Currently, Schlock Mercenary's site includes a cartoon drawn by Howard Tayler, "Clockwork Departure," specifically to commemorate Jay Lake, who died Sunday. His writing included a clockpunk series beginning with Mainspring.
The reference at the Schlock site was the first I'd ever even heard of Jay Lake. To judge from the comments people attached to "Clockwork Departure," that was my loss. He wasn't quite 50 yet. The saying, "Taken too soon," comes to mind.
If you don't normally read Schlock Mercenary, I nevertheless urge you to visit the site this week at least to see "Clockwork Departure."
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
The reference at the Schlock site was the first I'd ever even heard of Jay Lake. To judge from the comments people attached to "Clockwork Departure," that was my loss. He wasn't quite 50 yet. The saying, "Taken too soon," comes to mind.
If you don't normally read Schlock Mercenary, I nevertheless urge you to visit the site this week at least to see "Clockwork Departure."
Big Brother is watching you. And damn, you are so bloody BORING.