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[Flash] Unknown spacecraft shot down in Friggan Space
[Flash] Unknown spacecraft shot down in Friggan Space
From: Jet.Jaguar@Friggarock.fen
To: Undisclosed
Date: 25/12/2025 - 02:35am
Subj: Interception and destruction of unknown spacecraft

At 1am this morning, station time, a secerity alert was triggered on an exhaust vent from our main power station. An unknown spacecraft had landed on the surface, with a single occupant. The spacecraft departed in short order, moments after being detected. Defense fighters operating off Frigga intercepted the unknown spacecraft. After refusing to respond to hails, the spacecraft was destroyed by two missiles.

Analysis of the wreckage show the craft consisted of red-handwaved timber, and 8 biomimentic reindeer. The pilot wore some form of red, fur-lined pressure-suit.

The remains of some toys were found in the wreckage, apparently stolen from Fenkinder on Frigga. Other toys were found in the wreckage, some of which came with names.

We think he may have targetted other asteroids before reaching us.

Unfortunately, the pilot did not survive to be questioned. His motives remain a mystery.

Could people please check their surveillance systems for any similar craft matching the description above? We'd hope to get some of these toys back to their rightful homes before the kids wake up in the morning and are dissapointed.

Oh sweet meteor of death
Fall upon us.
Deliver us in fire
To Peace everlasting.
RE: [Flash] Unknown spacecraft shot down in Friggan Space
From: mamabear@stellvia.fen
To: Undisclosed
Date: 25/12/2025 - 03:03am
Subj: RE: Interception and destruction of unknown spacecraft

I have examined security footage recorded over the last twelve hours at 3895 Earhart. It appears that your intruder attempted to gain entrance here as well, but The "Heroic Terrible Trio" (Helen, Miyuki, and Vivio) were successful in driving him off. The darlings didn't think to file an after-action report, so further details will have to wait until they're awake later this morning.

We didn't even know that Miyuki was space-capable without a suit. (Of course, she did "wake up" only a month ago, so we're still discovering what she can and can't do - although I suspect Helen knows and hasn't told us.) We also didn't know that Helen can combat-cast divination magic - that appears to have been a surprise to all of the girls, including Helen.

Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

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