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Scandinavia and the World - "Fact Cards"
Scandinavia and the World - "Fact Cards"
Community-created factoids of varying degree of usefulness and niftyness, with usefulness usually taking the back seat. The collection can be seen here.

Facts about the Fact Cards, which I might turn into a continuing series:

"All British battle tanks since 1945 are equipped with tea making facilities." It took almost a year for a commenter to make a Girls und Panzer reference.

"Written by Icelandic composer Jón Leifs in 1964, the piece called Hekla, Op 52, requires four sets of rocks hit with hammers, steel plates, anvils, sirens, cannons and metal chains to play." Plenty of links provided by commenters, but I think this one might be the only sheet music. Go on, I dare you to try to play it.

"Several countries have in the past banned ruling queens, but lacked any requirement that the king be male. This led to King Anna of Poland, and King Mary of Hungary. " Also "King" Hedwig of Poland, in case you ever wondered where that particular name came from.

"Godzilla has official Japanese citizenship." Oops, no. Godzilla has a special residency certificate, which is not quite the same thing.

"There's only one country between Norway and North Korea." Depending on which route you take... but yes, this is true.

"Switzerland accidentally invaded Liechtenstein... More than once." Apparently, Liechtenstein didn't even notice the third Swiss invasion.
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

Forever neighbours, never neighbors

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