2016-12-10: The Big Raid
03-09-2025, 07:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2025, 06:17 AM by robkelk.)
03-09-2025, 07:09 PM (This post was last modified: 03-11-2025, 06:17 AM by robkelk.)
The Big Raid
by Rob Kelk
by Rob Kelk
Kemptville, Ontario, Canada
December 10, 2016
5:07 pm ET
Two rather large people caught her attention as she left the coffee shop by the back door. "Hey, you!"
She turned to face them. "Do you have some business with me?"
"Yeah. We'd appreciate it if you were to stay in Kemptville for all of next week."
"Think of it as a ... personal favour."
"Why would I want to do you any favours?" She pulled a mirror out of her purse and primped, hoping they'd take the hint.
"Because it'd be very bad for you if you don't do what we say."
The one who wasn't talking grabbed at the mirror, but she spun it around to keep it out of his reach ... and to catch a reflection of his face in the glass.
What she saw wasn't human. They hadn't taken the hint, but they had taken the bait. "I don't do favours for your sort. I kill things like you. Deep Submerge!" Michiru caught both trolls in the same blast, destroying them utterly.
A moment later, a car pulled into the parking lot. "Sorry I'm late! Why do you have the Deep Aqua Mirror out?"
"Oh, I just had to deal with a couple of Unseelie."
"Again?" Haruka asked while Michiru got into the car. "We really need to do something about them. We're getting lazy, always waiting for them to make the first move."
"Usagi said she and her friends were working on a plan for that."
"We really need to do something about them before Usagi tries to be friends with them."
"When I mentioned that to her last week, she said something about a different kind of befriending."
"I wonder what she meant by that?"
"Who knows?"
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
December 11, 2016
11:55 am ET
"We have a problem." Rob scowled as he sat down for lunch.
Mikoto looked up. "A problem? What is it?"
Rob almost made the Airplane! joke, but "a source of irritation or vexation" was what was important right now. "I just got an email from someone I used to work with. Her husband does design work for Haruka's race team, and he mentioned that Haruka's looking at making a raid against the Unseelie."
"I thought we were supposed to be keeping our existence secret," Mii muttered to nobody in particular.
"We're planning a raid, too, once it warms up in the spring," Makoto replied while carrying a platter of salmon fillets in from the kitchen. "Assuming we're still here then."
"Uranus wants to make the raid before Christmas."
Mii sighed. "Is there any way we can rein her in?"
Usagi shook her head. "She's not somebody who's used to taking orders. Neither is Michiru." Turning to Mii, she added, "Which is probably why Rob-oji's past coworker and her husband know about them – she might have told them."
"Do they know where the Unseelie are?"
"I don't know, Kazari. We know, or at least Jacky and Kate know, but have any of the Sidhe told Michiru?"
"If they have," Rei answered, "then we don't have a lot of time to figure out how to stop them from going in and getting themselves killed."
"They're Sailor Senshi, Niiko Misaka points out. Would they really be at risk, Niiko Misaka asks in continuation."
"They might," Mamoru replied. "It took all six of us plus Railgun to take down a single giant, and I was injured in the process."
"And from what the books say," Rob added, "we can't assume that there's only one giant in their lair."
"Too bad we don't have a military strike force that we could send against the Unseelie right now."
Rob raised one eyebrow. "Rui-chan, have you forgotten the MITHRIL strike force in Adelaide?"
Ruiko grinned sheepishly and and put one hand behind her head. "Ah-heh-heh. Yeah, I did."
Makoto cleared her throat. "Eat now, strategize later. The fish is getting cold."
Rob nodded. "Agreed. Besides, we want Haruka, Michiru, Tessa, Jacky, and Kate here for this. I'll call them after lunch."
"Invite them over for supper," Usagi suggested.
We're Putting the Team Together!
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
December 13, 2016
4:15PM ET
Sailor Neptune looked up from the maps that Jacky and Kate had drawn for Usagi and Rob a day earlier. "These aren't very good."
Rob nodded. "What did you expect from a map based on imperfectly-remembered experiences from a year ago? Kazari has been running some experiments with some tech that Washuu-chan gave her at Halloween, and if she's happy with the test results, we'll make some better maps."
"Good. Next, I'd like to go over the list you've put together, and see who we can and can't work with."
"I'm sure you would, but don't you have a rede to lead tonight? I'd think it would make more sense for you to go get some sleep."
"I'm still young – I can stay up all night."
Rob deliberately ignored the implication in her comment. "Suit yourself, Michiru. Do you want a coffee or something?"
"I want to get this over with so we can start the attack," Haruka replied.
Rob shook his head. "Not until everyone's here. I promised Usagi she could sit in on these planning meetings."
Haruka made a face, something of a mix of cross and upset. "Why? She isn't the best tactical planner in the group."
Rob nodded. "That's exactly why. She needs to learn. So do I, for that matter." Just then, there was a knock at the common room's door. "And here's the other people I'm expecting," Rob continued as he got up, walked over to the door, and opened it. "Welcome to Ottawa, Captain, Sergeant."
"Thank you for inviting me to take part in this operation, Mr. Donaldson," replied a gray-haired teenage woman with a hint of a Boston Brahmin accent. A black-haired woman stood behind her; both were wearing uniforms that Haruka and Michiru didn't recognize.
"Who are you?" Haruka asked.
Rob tapped his own head lightly in an 'oops' fashion. "Where are my manners? Haruka Ten'oh, Michiru Kaioh, this is Captain Teresa Testarossa, commanding officer of MITHRIL's submersible carrier Tuatha De Danaan, and Sergeant Melissa Mao of the ground forces attached to the Tuatha De Danaan."
"My friends call me Tessa." She bowed to Haruka and Michiru, who bowed in return. "And I would very much like it if you would consider me to be your friend, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune."
Haruka nodded. "So we all know each other now. What's a submarine captain doing here?"
Before Tessa could reply, Rob said, "I've asked her, as an experienced military commander, to take charge of our mission. If things go well here, Lord Phantomhive will consider placing Tessa in charge of all multi-residence military and paramilitary operations."
"And I accepted," said Teresa. "Although at this point, my captaincy is a technicality; without MITHRIL or my boat, there’s not much point to the title. However, my expertise is still valid."
Haruka frowned. "I'll make my question more clear. What qualifies a submarine captain to take charge of a ground attack?"
(Rob was getting annoyed over Haruka's attitude, but he kept it to himself for the moment. Tessa was old enough and skilled enough to take care of herself.)
"Ms. Ten'oh, I am not just a submarine skipper. I command covert amphibious assault forces of mixed units that include ground troops, assault aircraft, and machines that you might call 'mecha'. I have commanded many ground operations in the past, most of them similar in type to the one we are planning to undertake."
"I can show you the anime of some of those missions, if you'd like," added Rob. With a bit of annoyance he was feeling slipping into his speech, he added, "Just like I can show Ms. Testarossa anime footage of your actions against the Witches 5."
Tessa and Haruka both quickly replied, "That won't be necessary" – Tessa in a mater-of-fact tone, Haruka is a slightly-annoyed tone. Tessa continued, "I think that I can work with Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune, if they're willing to work with everyone else."
"As long as you don't try to tell us what to do when we're on the spot and you aren't," replied Haruka.
Rob's patience reached its end. "If you aren't willing to follow orders, you're out and we do this without you."
"That is quite enough, both of you," Tessa said sternly.
Once everyone was looking at her instead of each other, she continued. "First, Mr. Donaldson, while I acknowledge that you are the residence manager in charge in this area and I appreciate the advice you give me in that capacity, you have asked me to take overall command of this operation and thus it is my decision who will and will not take part in it."
"Understood," he replied. Tessa noted that he didn't agree to her statement, just that he heard it, but let that slide for the moment.
Tessa turned her attention from Rob to Haruka, who was smiling at the man being taken down a peg. "That said, Ms. Ten'oh, you and Ms. Kaioh have a reputation of failing to cooperate with people whom an outside observer would expect to be your allies, going so far as to challenge Sailor Moon to combat because you didn't believe she was Serenity despite all of the evidence to the contrary. At least you waited until after Pharaoh 90 was defeated; if you had raised your hand against your commander during a mission, I would have dismissed you from this operation immediately."
"That sounds like you've already watched the anime," Rob murmured.
Haruka wasn't smiling any more. "We needed to know that she was strong enough to make the hard decisions!"
Melissa glared at the taller blonde. "That's not your call to make, Ten'oh. Sailor Moon's in command of your unit. It's her job to give the orders and it's your job to follow them, unless the orders are unlawful. And if your unit is going to be fighting beside my unit, then I need to know that you are willing to carry out our commander's orders unless those orders are unlawful. Do I make myself clear?"
Neither Haruka nor Michiru answered immediately.
Tessa pointedly said, "Sergeant Mao said 'Do I make myself clear?' Don't make us ask a third time."
"You make yourself clear," Michiru replied.
"Thank you, Ms. Kaioh. Do you agree to her condition?"
"I do."
"Ms. Ten'oh, do you agree to her condition?"
"Yes," she replied, reluctantly. "But I want to know who else will be involved in this raid."
"That's fair," Rob replied, knowing that despite the way Melissa had phrased her speech very few of the people involved were actually military or paramilitary and thus couldn't be counted on to behave the same way. "We're already planning to draw up the list today, and I don't mind you taking part in that meeting."
Just then, the common room's door opened. "Sorry I'm late! The school bus had some trouble. Oh, hi Haruka, hi Michiru, hi Tessa! Did I miss anything?"
"Come on in, Usagi," Rob said. "Hi Makoto. And all you missed was us exchanging ... pleasantries."
Both girls had a good idea what Rob was talking about – they both winced. Then Makoto headed for the kitchen as everyone else sat down around the big table, where everyone could see the big-screen monitor that was displaying a crude map of the Unseelie stronghold as best as Jacky and Kate could remember it. Only Usagi didn't notice that Tessa and Haruka sat at opposite ends of the table.
In the kitchen, Makoto did her best to listen in on the conversation going on one room over, while she made a snack for everyone else... but nobody was speaking loudly enough for her to overhear them. But finally the coffee and sandwiches were ready. Bringing in a tray, she heard Tessa saying, "No, Usagi."
"Their abilities would be very useful."
"They have no real combat experience, and they're children. We're not going to involve Sakura and Shaoran in this."
"But you'll involve Nanoha and Fate."
"They already have combat experience."
Makoto smiled and put the tray down on the table, being careful not to move any of the papers or computers already there but deliberately getting in the way of the big monitor. "Coffee, anyone?"
"Thanks, Mako-chan!" Usagi answered.
"Yes, than you, Ms. Kino," Tessa added. "But we do need to see the screen that's behind you."
Makoto took the hint. "I'll just leave this here, then."
Tessa turned back to Usagi. "We aren't involving Sakura and Shaoran for the same reason we aren't involving River."
"Oh. I guess we should protect them, too."
Rob nodded as Makoto left the common room.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
December 13, 2016
6:41PM ET
Michiru had left a half-hour ago to lead her second rede. Rob had sent everybody else who wasn't part of the planning group to the closest pizza place that had tables – which happened to be one of the better pizza places in town. He, Usagi, Haruka, Tessa, Melissa Mao, Mii, Hyoga, and Kazari were the only ones left in the common room – and they had covered every table with notes, except for one table with two extra-large pizzas and a dozen sodas.
Mii was two slices ahead of everyone else. "Unless you're going to rent a bus, we need some teleportation ability that has a longer range and a higher weight limit than what Kuroko can manage."
Tessa smiled. "I know just the person, if he's willing. Yuuno Scrya is an excellent teleporter."
Rob whistled. "If he'll agree, he's perfect."
The others asked in unison, "Who's Yuuno Scrya?"
"Yuuno Scrya, from Nanoha and Fate's home univ- ah, reality," replied Rob, catching himself as to what the correct term was just as he was making the mistake, "is possibly the most skilled teleport-mage in existence."
"Would he be willing to help us?" Tessa asked.
"There's only one way to find out," Rob replied.
Kazari nodded, turned to her computer, and launched her videoconferencing program. As she explained to Yuuno what they were planning, the others continued reviewing the list.
Eventually, Rob proposed including sending all of the Sailor Senshi in with the reinforcing team that would be sent in after the first team was captured. Amazingly, this suggestion was met with opposition.
"Setsuna can't go."
Haruka looked at Usagi in surprise. "Why not?"
"She's still recovering from being deposited into this reality."
Rob added, "Apparently, the connection between this refuge that we're all in and the Door to Space-Time is blocked. Setsuna's powers, at least at the moment, are severely curtailed."
"How do you know about that?" Haruka demanded.
Usagi replied before Rob could. "First, we're all anime characters here. Michiru told me that you already knew that. The Door to Space-Time was mentioned in the show. Second, Donaldson-san is the only person in this building, and possibly in this city, who can contact the megami on a moment's notice and request their help. He needs to know what sort of help to request, which means he needs to know our state secrets."
"I still think we don't need to involve outsiders in these things," Haruka muttered.
Mii looked cross. "That sounds to me suspiciously like not being willing to be a team pl-"
Tessa cut her off before Mii could burn that bridge. "Ms. Konori," she said sternly, "I will be the judge of that." She turned to Haruka. "Sailor Uranus, Queen Serenity has already told you that Mr. Donaldson needs to know. Your commanding officer even gave you an explanation why, which she did not need to do."
Haruka knew that it was time to make a tactical retreat. "Oh, very well. What about Sailor Saturn?"
"We aren't including her for the same reason we aren't including Kinomoto-san," Hyoga replied. "We really should do what we can to preserve what innocence that they have left for a while, despite what Hotaru went through in your canon."
Melissa nodded. "Right. We fight so they don't have to."
Some decisions were made without discussion. Others decisions took some persuading, around slices of pizza and cans of soda. But, eventually, the lists of who was going into the stronghold when were completed.
At that point, Tessa asked, "Now, who do we want to have in reserve?"
Usagi looked puzzled. "Reserve?"
"Forces that we can deploy wherever they're needed, to exploit an enemy's weakness or get rid of our own," Tessa explained.
"I keep telling you about the idea of reserves after every fight the Senshi get into here," added Mii as she grabbed another slice of pizza.
Usagi smiled in understanding. "Oh, that! Maybe Mikoto's sisters would be interested."
Mii nodded – Usagi had made a good suggestion, and needed to be encouraged to make more of them. "Good idea. Let's ask all of them to take part."
"Except for Last Order. If Sakura Kinomoto and Hotaru Tomoe are too young, then so is she," Rob pointed out. After a quick beat, he added, "And so is Chibiusa."
Highway 416, between Ottawa and Kemptville, Ontario, Canada
December 14, 2016
8:08AM ET
"What an asshole."
"Which one?" Michiru asked with a yawn – she'd been up all night leading her second rede, after all.
"Konori, Donaldson, and Testarossa, but Testarossa in particular. What gives her the right to lecture us when she's never fought a daimon, or a ..." She finally remembered the name, "a sluagh, or anything else that isn't human?"
"You told me that it isn't good to get so worked up while you're driving. And Usagi likes them."
"Our neo-princess likes everybody. That doesn't mean I have to."
"Oh, I agree. As long as you like me, and I like you, it doesn't really matter who else likes who else, does it?"
"You and me against the world? I can live with that."
I Spy, with My Eye in the Sky...
Kemptville, Ontario, Canada
December 16, 2016
7:37PM ET
When Washuu-chan said "extended range," she wasn't kidding, Kazari mused as she looked at her computer display. The "Hatsuhara" drone that she received as a Halloween gift was still transmitting clearly to her laptop, despite being 100 kilometres away. Whatever the drone was using for communication, it wasn't Bluetooth.
She sipped at her coffee (and made a mental note to buy some of the house blend before leaving the coffee shop) as the data kept coming in – ground-penetrating radar providing a three-dimensional map of the cave system that wasn't on any of the local maps, paralleling the Madawaska River, and thermal imaging showing where the underground heat sources were. Probably Unseelie cooking fires, she thought. They aren't warm enough to be anything else. Washuu-chan's instruments are so far in advance of anything I could buy. I must remember to thank her. Again.
She switched to visible light and zoomed in on one tunnel that abruptly ended near the surface. "That's definitely an entrance," she said as Michiru looked over her shoulder.
"There are at least two ... what are those? ... walking toward it."
Kazari zoomed in closer. "The two on the outside match Usagi's description of sluagh. Jacky called them elfs who were killed but didn't die. The one in the middle..." She couldn't continue. It was obvious that the third one was human, and not present by choice.
I hope we can rescue her during the raid tomorrow, thought Kazari.
I hope they give her a quick death before they eat her, thought Michiru.
Just then, Rob walked into the coffee shop, looked around, and walked over to Kazari and Michiru. "I've finished my grocery shopping," he announced. "Did you find what you were looking for?"
"I'm just saving it off now," Kazari replied. "Give me ... three minutes to finish."
"That's long enough for me to get a coffee to take out."
"Would you get me a bag of the house blend, please?" She sent the recall command to her drone – by the time it would return to her, they'd be halfway back to Ottawa – and saved a copy of the data on a USB dongle that she passed to Michiru. Kazari was ready to leave by the time Rob had his coffee brewed and her coffee bagged.
Later, when they'd pulled over so Kazari could retrieve her drone from the car's roof, Rob asked, "Are you sure it was a good idea to give them a copy of what you mapped out?"
Kazari smiled. "If they can decode the encryption before we start the raid tomorrow morning, I'll be very impressed. I used MITHRIL's encryption routines to protect it from prying eyes."
"Not your own?"
"Tessa gave me hers for this operation; it would have been rude not to use them. After all, she's in charge." After a moment, she added, "And I'll use the same encryption when I email the data to her tonight."
Rob noticed the flatness of Kazari's answer. "What are you not telling me about MITHRIL's codes?"
After a moment, she replied, "They're fifteen years old."
"Ah. And you're worried that she's using something like SHA-1 instead of SHA-3."
"Neither MITHRIL nor Academy City use those exact hash functions," Kazari replied quickly. "But... yes, I'm worried that encryption that old might already be broken."
Rob sighed deeply (in agreement), then asked, "What are you doing about it?"
"HAL and I are working on cracking her encryption. If we can, we'll stop using it."
8:21PM ET
"We have some good news and some bad news, Bonnie."
"May as well start with the good news, Haruka," Bonnie Barstow replied.
"Our friends have found the lair of those... things that attacked us the day after we met. We're planning a raid."
Bonnie nodded. "And that means the bad news is you won't be living here for much longer. It's been good having neighbours again even if it was only for a couple of months. Are you leaving the team?"
"What? No, you're a great group to work with."
"Thanks. Will you stay at least until the end of the month?"
Michiru smiled. "We will need a couple of days to pack."
Syracuse, NY, USA
December 16, 2016
11:33PM ET
"Somebody's using a MITHRIL code!"
Leonard looked up, then looked at Gates. "Where?" He already had a suspicion as to where one end of the transmission was located, but he wasn't about to let Gates know that.
"Patience, dear boy, patience – it takes time to run an IP trace on this antiquated hardware. No AI at all – how do they cope? Ah, here it is: the source is Ottawa. The big one. In Canada. The destination is ... Adelaide, in Australia. Oh, this code's easy to break. We just have to use your libraries. Pretty obvious it's your sister's private code."
Leonard smiled as he gave orders to deploy covert agents to both ends of the intercepted data stream. It looked like AMALGAM finally had something worthwhile to do.
The Plan
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
December 17, 2016
7:44 am ET
Teresa took the stage. Instead of her uniform, she was wearing a white skirt and jacket over a navy-blue blouse, along with her signature navy-blue hair ribbon. She'd added a pair of zero-prescription glasses with rectangular frames, making her look a half-decade older than she actually was. Considering some of the people in the assembled force, she needed to look as mature as possible.
Unfortunately for her plan, her outfit also made her look more desirable to exactly the same people. It took Mamoru and Sousuke three minutes to quiet down the more... "appreciative" men in the room.
Tessa did her best to conceal her annoyance. "For those of you who seem to have forgotten why we're here today, the Unseelie in this part of the world are a clear and present danger to the surrounding towns and cities, including this one. We need to teach them that attacking us leads to retaliation. Intelligence -" (Kazari Uiharu nodded in acknowledgment.) "- has gathered sensor readings consistent with a large number of opposing forces at the identified Unseelie base, which we will refer to by the name of the closest civilian settlement, Calabogie.
"Intel has not detected active sensors at Calabogie. However, our consultants tell us that the opposing force uses magic, not technology." (Kate Crackernuts waved to the group.) "Thus, we will assume that they know who we are and what we can do, and use encrypted communications to keep a communications advantage as per standard operating procedure. Communicators of MITHRIL grade will be issued to all personnel taking part in this operation. This gear is to be returned to quartermaster at the end of the operation." (At the side of the stage, Washuu waved at everyone.)
"The operation is primarily a hostage rescue. Get in, rescue any surviving hostages, do the maximum amount of damage in the minimum amount of time, and get out.
"Stage one: The advanced unit will make themselves conspicuous near but not at the entry, and allow themselves to be captured. It is the advanced unit's job to be taken inside the Calabogie base and activate a beacon in a location that can be secured easily. All members of the advanced unit will have paranormal abilities that can be used to defend themselves, but will not be drawn from the pool of espers and mages known to the opposing force.
"Stage two: The reinforcement unit will be teleported in to the beacon, where they will join forces with the advanced unit. Both teams are to rescue any hostages that they might encounter, and wreak havoc throughout the enemy base. Ideally, we will leave no opposing forces conscious.
"Simultaneously, the artillery support unit will enter the Calabogie base through the same entrance that the advance unit was taken through, and will also wreak havoc throughout the enemy base." Ryoko grinned at that – it had been a while since she'd last had the opportunity to cut loose. Tessa pretended to not notice.
"Stage three: Command post will give the signal to evacuate, at which point the deployed units will make their way out of the Calabogie base by the fastest means possible consistent with operational secrecy.
"The reserve unit will remain in reserve unless the command post deems it necessary for the deployed units to make a tactical retreat, at which point the reserve unit will be deployed to rescue the previously-deployed units.
"Are there any questions?"
"Yeah," Jayne asked. "You want us – the reserves – to sit on our asses and wait for the girls to fuck up. Why not just send us in to start with?"
"If all we were doing was a raid, we would. However, you have no ability to discern possible hostages from enemies that can assume human form, and your weapons do not have a stun setting. Any mistake you might make would likely be fatal for somebody."
"Possibly for you."
"So we aren't actually killing any of the Unseelie?" Haruka asked.
"I would prefer to carry out this operation with a minimum loss of life. We will also be giving Usagi the chance to use her Moon Healing Escalation ability to rescue fae who have been corrupted to the opposing side. The local experts have informed me that some of the fae races can be brainwashed into joining the Horde; we should at least try to let these fae re-join the Host. In the best case, Sailor Moon will undo the conditioning of everyone who was brainwashed into joining the Unseelie, and those fae will make their escape after we withdraw. However, there is always the possibility that command might authorize the use of lethal force."
At the side of the stage, Mii Konori stood up. "Speaking for the local resident manager, I concur with Captain Testarossa. It is our job to save lives, not to take them. But that also means that your lives are just as important as everyone else's. If it comes down to a situation where somebody is going to die and that somebody is either you or your opponent, then I would much prefer that you be the one who lives. If something goes wrong and you have to kill someone, we can discuss that during the mission debriefing."
As Mii sat down, Mal Reynolds stood up. "And don't forget that the phrase 'a fate worse than death' exists for a reason. If you can't save somebody, it just might be kinder to shoot him yourself. I've been there, and I've done that. Most o' these things are no better than the Reavers from my universe, so be prepared to act accordingly. And if you have trouble livin' with yourself after the fact, that's what Shepherd Book and Doc Shea are here to help you work through. Am I clear?"
"Like crystal," Usagi replied.
Shirou raised his hand. "What if the advance unit is attacked with lethal force instead of taken prisoner?"
Tessa frowned for a brief moment as she replied, "In that case, use of lethal force in response is authorized, and we will break off the operation. Are there any further questions?" Seeing a raised a hand, she continued, "Yes, Ms. Kino."
Sailor Jupiter stood up. "The briefing notes said that there is a chance of us going up against giants during this operation. Why aren't we sending in your Arm Slaves?"
Tessa sighed. "Sgt. Sagara, answer the question, please."
Sousuke stood to attention. "Ma'am, yes ma'am. According to the briefing notes compiled by the local experts, the possibility of encountering multiple giants is higher than the possibility of encountering one giant. There were three giants present in the caverns the last time the local experts were in the stronghold. There's no guarantee that there won't be more now. And while Uruz 2, Uruz 6, and Uruz 7 could fight giants one-to-one, it is certain that there will also be infantry-sized opposing forces present that we could not deal with while engaged in combat with forces our size or larger."
"And a fighting vehicle can be taken out by somebody your size, if she has an anti-tank missile or something similar," added Mal, seeing the look of confusion on Makoto's face.
"Exactly," Tessa concluded. "Unless there are only giants in the Unseelie complex, ordering Arm Slaves in would potentially be the same as ordering their pilots to suicide. However, we will deploy the Arbalest in the reserve unit, with ECS functioning at all times." She waited for a moment, then repeated, "Are there any more questions?" After looking around the room, she continued, "No? Then report to the quartermaster, who will issue communicators to you and open a portal to the van that Mr. Donaldson has driven to the staging point. You leave at 8 am sharp."
Calabogie, Ontario, Canada
December 17, 2016
7:52 am ET
Rob parked at the side of the road, close to but not within line-of-sight of the Unseelie stronghold. "Well, here we are. Later than I wanted, but still before we needed to be here."
"Just barely," Jacky replied. "You're not going to make me go back in there, are you?"
Rob shook his head. "No, we need you out here, staffing one of the communications stations. Speaking of which, could you help me get them all running, please?" He pulled the keys out of the van's ignition and headed for the battery bank at the back of the van, to double-check that everything was plugged in and working properly. After six minutes of activity, he switched on the last communicator and spoke into it. "Goalkeeper, Polar Bear. Final comms check."
"Polar Bear, Goalkeeper. Comms are good," replied Kazari's voice.
"Home Base, Polar Bear. Advance base is ready. You may teleport when ready."
Back in Ottawa, Tessa spoke into her microphone. "All units, Home Base. Headquarters authorizes commencement of Stage One."
Neither Rob nor Jacky noticed the panel truck on the other side of the river... or its high-gain antenna pointed at their van.
Tune in next week, when The Plan Makes Contact with the Enemy
Rob Kelk
Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown
Forever neighbours, never neighbors
Government of Canada: How to immigrate to Canada
Rob Kelk
Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown
Forever neighbours, never neighbors
Government of Canada: How to immigrate to Canada