As another April 15th starts to fade away it is time to remember how the tax software companies like Intuit have helped us. They have seen the suffering of American tax payers and has spent millions of dollars to ensure that that suffering does not end. Wait, did I say help us, I meant we should remember how they have helped themselves by screwing us.
Imagine if the DMV operated the way our income tax system works:
"Well yes, we do know what numbers ought to go in those blanks but we're going to ask you to look up your car's VIN, then look up the details on these tables, oh, and if you make a mistake on any of the math and it doesn't agree with our calculations we'll make you pay a penalty."
"Wait, you already have the numbers? You've already calculated what I owe? How about you just tell me that number?"
"Sorry, the Auto Registration Software companies will have their pet legislator kill my job if we do that. How else will they sell AutoTax or DMV At Home if we just tell you what we think you owe?"
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Imagine if the DMV operated the way our income tax system works:
"Well yes, we do know what numbers ought to go in those blanks but we're going to ask you to look up your car's VIN, then look up the details on these tables, oh, and if you make a mistake on any of the math and it doesn't agree with our calculations we'll make you pay a penalty."
"Wait, you already have the numbers? You've already calculated what I owe? How about you just tell me that number?"
"Sorry, the Auto Registration Software companies will have their pet legislator kill my job if we do that. How else will they sell AutoTax or DMV At Home if we just tell you what we think you owe?"
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.