The one thing we got really, really right when we started this whole democracy thing here..... An election process than more or less works.
You could have a 4 candidate election and sure in an FPV system the one with 40% of the votes would win, but the system we use acknowledges the fact that 60% of the electorate voted *against* that person - they don't want him in Power. So it asks them, hey, if you can't have your candidate, who would you prefer instead.....
And that might not be the one with 40% of the first preference votes.....
It avoids so many of the adverse incentives of first past the post voting. 2 candidates can't really split the vote, 3rd party or compromise candidates have more of a chance of being deemed 'tolereable' by the electorate when faced with two diametrically opposed alternatives.
Theoretically the system outputs the candidates the majority of the electorate would at least tolerate in government, and the whole system rumbles on.
It also makes it simple to vote against the candidates you *hate*. Just mark everyone else in order of preference, and leave the Sinn Fein box empty and then they will 'never' get your vote.
It'd be curious under an STV type system to see how the US election would turn out.
I'm curious to see how different the result would be using an Irish-style Single transfereable vote system, rather than first past the post.....
Would anybody care to indulge my curiosity? Maybe we don't have enough people to do it, but it'd be interesting to try.
So, let's write up a balllot card
[ ] Clinton, Hilllary
[ ] Trump, Donald
[ ] Bush, Jeb
[ ] Huckabee, Mike
[ ] Sanders, Bernie,
[ ] Stein, Jilll
[ ] Johnson, Gary
[ ] McMullin, Evan
[ ] O'Death, Sweet Meteor
We're making a few assumptions here. For one thing that defeated candidates in the primaries didn't drop out, but clung on. Either as independants, or to try and nail a win for at least one party candidate on transfers. I picked most of the names out on wikipedia so I've no idea who the fuck most of them are.
Mark your card with a number beside the name of the candidate you most prefer, then on down in the order of decending preference. The finished product might look something like this, for example
[ 3 ] Clinton, Hilllary
[ ] Trump, Donald
[ 4 ] Bush, Jeb
[ 5 ] Huckabee, Mike
[ 2 ] Sanders, Bernie,
[ 1 ] Stein, Jilll
[ 6 ] Johnson, Gary
[ 7 ] McMullin, Evan
[ 8 ] O'Death, Sweet Meteor
We would love a Jill Stein presidency (Even though we know it'll never happen), be more or less OK with a Sanders presidency, tolerate a Clinton presidency, find the idea of a three-generation political dynasty amusing, have heard Huckabee's name without major scandle attached to it, Would like to make Johnson jokes, have no idea who McMulin is we just that we think Trump is worse. We never want Trump to win, so we leave his box blank.
That's basically how it goes. You don't really have to mark the card the whole way down, but it helps the system a great deal if you do. Or if you want to vote none-of-the above, leave the ballot blank. It's still a legal vote.
Either post below. Or if you'd like your ballot to be secret, PM it to me.
Come November, I'll count according to Irish presidential election rules and see which ticket would've won. And post the secret ballots anonymised, to see 'how' the count worked through.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
You could have a 4 candidate election and sure in an FPV system the one with 40% of the votes would win, but the system we use acknowledges the fact that 60% of the electorate voted *against* that person - they don't want him in Power. So it asks them, hey, if you can't have your candidate, who would you prefer instead.....
And that might not be the one with 40% of the first preference votes.....
It avoids so many of the adverse incentives of first past the post voting. 2 candidates can't really split the vote, 3rd party or compromise candidates have more of a chance of being deemed 'tolereable' by the electorate when faced with two diametrically opposed alternatives.
Theoretically the system outputs the candidates the majority of the electorate would at least tolerate in government, and the whole system rumbles on.
It also makes it simple to vote against the candidates you *hate*. Just mark everyone else in order of preference, and leave the Sinn Fein box empty and then they will 'never' get your vote.
It'd be curious under an STV type system to see how the US election would turn out.
I'm curious to see how different the result would be using an Irish-style Single transfereable vote system, rather than first past the post.....
Would anybody care to indulge my curiosity? Maybe we don't have enough people to do it, but it'd be interesting to try.
So, let's write up a balllot card
[ ] Clinton, Hilllary
[ ] Trump, Donald
[ ] Bush, Jeb
[ ] Huckabee, Mike
[ ] Sanders, Bernie,
[ ] Stein, Jilll
[ ] Johnson, Gary
[ ] McMullin, Evan
[ ] O'Death, Sweet Meteor
We're making a few assumptions here. For one thing that defeated candidates in the primaries didn't drop out, but clung on. Either as independants, or to try and nail a win for at least one party candidate on transfers. I picked most of the names out on wikipedia so I've no idea who the fuck most of them are.
Mark your card with a number beside the name of the candidate you most prefer, then on down in the order of decending preference. The finished product might look something like this, for example
[ 3 ] Clinton, Hilllary
[ ] Trump, Donald
[ 4 ] Bush, Jeb
[ 5 ] Huckabee, Mike
[ 2 ] Sanders, Bernie,
[ 1 ] Stein, Jilll
[ 6 ] Johnson, Gary
[ 7 ] McMullin, Evan
[ 8 ] O'Death, Sweet Meteor
We would love a Jill Stein presidency (Even though we know it'll never happen), be more or less OK with a Sanders presidency, tolerate a Clinton presidency, find the idea of a three-generation political dynasty amusing, have heard Huckabee's name without major scandle attached to it, Would like to make Johnson jokes, have no idea who McMulin is we just that we think Trump is worse. We never want Trump to win, so we leave his box blank.
That's basically how it goes. You don't really have to mark the card the whole way down, but it helps the system a great deal if you do. Or if you want to vote none-of-the above, leave the ballot blank. It's still a legal vote.
Either post below. Or if you'd like your ballot to be secret, PM it to me.
Come November, I'll count according to Irish presidential election rules and see which ticket would've won. And post the secret ballots anonymised, to see 'how' the count worked through.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?