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Illuminati University Alma Mater
Illuminati University Alma Mater
This really isn't a suggestion for a power song, but rather a side-thread to the "Some Random Powers" topic; posting these lyrics there was very slightly off-topic, so I put them in their own thread.

The Illuminati University Alma Mater 11-16-90
by John M. Ford
Okay, fellow Illuminates, here it is:
(to the tune of the Tiny Toon Adventures theme)
We deal in
Hypnosis and confusion
And this institution has its eye on all below
A liberal college
Of weird forbidden knowledge
Our classes cover everything Man Wasn't Meant to Know
Behold the ancient buildings where our scholars work and dwell
They move when no one's looking and they all connect to Hell
Through these eldritch portals
We don't get many mortals
And everything considered, guess it's just as well
Illuminated attitudes pervade our faculty
From Evil Stevie's Library to Arcane R & D
Here man and cetacean
Serve up an education
In Space and Time Dilation
And Paradoxes too
With genes and radiation
Makes each graduation
A triumph for the few
(repeat tune of last verse)
The Archdean is an angel and the Art Curator's mad
And here you need a parachute to go through Drop and Add
There's placement and pretest
In Science Weird and Weirdest
Our annual Samhainfest
And Necronomicomp
Take Ethics for Tyrants
Or Laboratory Violence
Call Military Science
The Ogre's on the stomp
We're deep and
We're dotty
At dear Illuminati
The Higher Mystic Institute for one and all
(Admissions down the hall.)

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Illuminati University Alma Mater
Oh, and if you don't know what Illuminati University is, it's a free-form ruleless online roleplaying game-message forum-thing that's been running on various Steve Jackson Games computer systems since the middle 1980s. Imagine the kind of college that high school students from TFOS games eventually go to... and you'll begin to get the vaguest inkling of what IOU is like.
"Archangel Beth" McCoy and Walter Milliken wrote it up as a GURPS supplement a few years ago, if you want to see what is sort of the definitive "public" version of the world.
(Hey Josh -- and any other SJG folk reading this: I just discovered while googling for appropriate links; do you guys know anything about this? It certainly appears to have some kind of SJG connection...)

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Illuminati University Alma Mater
Nope, looks like someone who wanted to use the domain name for something, but hasn't done much with it yet. However, he's using what is at least close to the SJG online usage policy with his disclaimer on the opening page. It might be worth letting the SJG netcops know about it just in case, but I get the impression that if they have a problem with it and tell the guy what to do, he'll do it - he wouldn't have put up the disclaimer in the first place if he didn't care.
Drunkard's Walk Forum Moderator and Prereader At Large

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