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I wouldn't mind seeing this used.
I wouldn't mind seeing this used.

The Unsung War -Ace Combat 5

Cum historia

mutat valde Razgriz

revelat ipsum

primum daemon scelestus est

When history changes greatly

Razgriz reveals itself

First as an evil demon

cum potentia

caenum daemon fundet

mortem in terram

deinde moritur

With its power

The demon brings death to the earth

Then it dies

cum historia

mutat valde Razgriz

revelat ipsum

primum daemon scelestus est

When history changes greatly

Razgriz reveals itself

First as an evil Demon

gloria (gloria)

mutat valde Razgriz (valde Razgriz)

revelat ipsum (revelat ipsum)

primum daemon scelestus est (daemon est)

When history changes greatly

Razgriz reveals itself

First as an evil Demon


mutat valde Razgriz

revelat ipsum

primum daemon scelestus est

When history
Changes greatly Razgriz
Reveals itself
First as an evil Demon
cum somnus cum somnus finis! (cum somnus finis!)

Razgriz surget (Razgriz)

surget iterum (surget iterum)

magnus heros est (magnus heros est)

When its sleep ends
Razgriz rises again
As a great hero
cum (cum) historia

mutat (mutat) valde

Razgriz (Razgriz) revelat

ipsum (ipsum)

magnus hero est (magnus hero est)

History changes greatly
Razgriz reveals itself
As a great hero
(cum) historia

mutat (mutat) valde

Razgriz (Razgriz) revelat

ipsum (ipsum)

magnus hero (magnus hero)

History changes greatly
Razgriz reveals itself
As a great hero
cum somnus cum somnus finis! (cum somnus finis!)

Razgriz surget iterum (Razgriz)

est (est)

History changes greatly

Razgriz reveals itself

As a great hero

cum historia

mutat valde Razgriz

revelat ipsum

primum daemon scelestus est

When history changes greatly
Razgriz reveals itself
First as an evil demon

cum potentia

sua daemon fundet

mortem in terram

deinde moritur! (x2)

When its sleep ends
Razgriz rises again

When its sleep ends
Razgriz rises again

Ragriz was defined as:

1) In the video game Ace Combat 5, Razgriz Squadron is the nickname, and later official name, of the four protagonists of the story.

2) Fictional demonic being who is introduced in Ace Combat 5 as a mythical being who appears during times of war. Razgriz is a representation of war its

2) Someone who normally keeps to themselves except in the most serious of situations, where they prove extremely helpful.

When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals its self, first as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then
it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time as a great hero.

I doubt if Doug would use this due to it being Latin, but as BGM , it definitely qualifies as epic.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell

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