The story is an AU with DC Comics elements, namely, instead of giant mecha the Children have a limited ability to alter reality, which is augmented to
usable levels by their plugsuits. The plugsuits are styled after various superheroes (Superman/Superboy Shinji, Flash Asuka, and Wonderwoman Rei) and the
personalities of several characters are distinctly non-canon (though I suspect those changes would have been explained had the writer finished more than three
chapters). Sorry to bug you guys, but I just remembered this story and I have no idea where to start looking, since I can't remember where I got the link
to it from (and I lost the bookmark when my old computer crashed back in december). Thanks in advance!
usable levels by their plugsuits. The plugsuits are styled after various superheroes (Superman/Superboy Shinji, Flash Asuka, and Wonderwoman Rei) and the
personalities of several characters are distinctly non-canon (though I suspect those changes would have been explained had the writer finished more than three
chapters). Sorry to bug you guys, but I just remembered this story and I have no idea where to start looking, since I can't remember where I got the link
to it from (and I lost the bookmark when my old computer crashed back in december). Thanks in advance!