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Witch und Panzer DxD
02-12-2015, 01:47 AM
All in all, Hyoudou Issei had to admit it was a pretty shitty day.
Actually most of the last year had been right down the shitter.
Maybe - just maybe - his parents had been right about how he should have studied harder at Junior High School, but the fact of the matter was that he just wasn't one of the brainy kids. So without any hope of being one of the lucky 5% to get a draft exclusion, he'd gone right from graduation into boot camp. Getting treated like a boot wasn't anything to look forward to - there weren't any oppai at all in boot - so it was totally understandable he'd have wanted to see as much as possible before getting sent off. I mean, everyone's a little perverted right. It's natural!
And basic didn't last forever. Once he was posted out to guard one of the oil rigs in a Gulf somewhere he even occasionally saw a Witch fly by! Okay, they mostly covered up their oppai but after three months with nothing but guys he had a whole new appreciation for long, bare legs and a tight behind! If Matsuda hadn't out-wrestled him for the binoculars that day he'd have probably been the one who lost his eyes looking for an up-the-shirt shot when the Neuroi were attacking!
As the last sight a man ever saw, that had to be almost worth it!
And the three of them - Matsuda with his eyes gone, Motohama deaf and Issei without his left hand (not, thank the Buddhas, his right hand!) - got to go back to school. Invalid or no invalid, going to a High School! Those fabled places of higher education where 97% of the students were female!
Surely they could get girlfriends there! They were war heroes! (Sort of). And Issei would be back on the road to becoming a Harem King!
Think positive, right!
They even met a cute girl on the flight onto the school-ship. Nishizumi-san was a definite cutie. A six, maybe a seven, and with room to grow! She seemed a little sad though and she turned down their affections! But that was one girl, it was okay. Maybe she'd have a cute older sister who'd see Matsuda's better points, or appreciate Motohama being able to assess her measurements at a glance... or even let Issei... hahahahaha...
Well that wasn't how it worked out.
But he'd had a girlfriend!
He'd had a date! It was a good date, they had snacks, they saw a movie, they walked in a park!
Her name was Yuuma and he thought he might get a kiss at the end but...
But she broke his heart.
Stabbed it right through.
Issei sighed and looked up at the stars. Was this the end? Was he going to die without ever rubbing his face against a girl's round, soft oppai!?
A shadow moved across the sky and descended into the park, illuminated by the dim lights.
Long, pale legs in Striker units. Lacy panties and above them a Oorai Academy blouse that barely constrained a luscious pair of oppai.
Was this a final vision?
If so, dreaming of Gremory Rias-san's oppai wasn't such a bad way to die. The queen of Oorai's Night Witches had the best in the school, everyone agreed on that.
Not the best, but not the worst.
Here would lie a failed Harem-King. What a shitty life.
"Looks like you're dying," she said sympathetically. There were two thumps as she removed her Striker units and then... If this was a dream, Issei never wanted to wake up! She cradled his head against her Oppai, her long crimson hair tickling his ears.
“If you are dying then, I’ll take care of you. Your life will belong to me, and you will live for me.”
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
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.... Huh. Interesting... very fanservicey.
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Yes disturbingly interesting, please continue, I see HSDXD and Strike Witches so far. Waiting for GuP.
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"Nishizumi-san, please tell me you remember Yuuma-chan!"
Miho blushed and edged backwards as Issei leant forwards slightly towards her. He probably didn't mean it, she thought with one part of her brain. Issei was honestly rather blatant about when he was, um, appreciating the girls in class and at the moment his eyes were fixed on hers. "Uh, I'm sorry, Hyoudou-san. I don't know everyone's name yet. Perhaps if you had a photo of her...?"
"I did! I swear I did!" The boy's voice rose gradually in volume. "But she vanished from the photo!"
"Leave Nishizumi-chan alone," ordered one of the other girls.
The boy turned to her and made to put his hands together in plea - although the stump of his left arm rather undermined the gesture.
"No!" she snapped back. "Argh. You don't have a girlfriend, Hyoudou-san, and if you keep going the way you have, you're not going to have one."
Issei cast a last, pleading look at the next girl who shook her head gently. This final rebuff finally appeared to sap his spirit and the boy's shoulders slumped in defeat before he retreated to the back of the classroom.
"Eeee..." The first girl said. "I thought when we had war wounded sent here they might be cute, but the way those guys act... They're not boyfriend material."
"Hyoudou-san seemed distraught, Saori-chan," her companion pointed out. "Are you alright, Nishizumi-chan?"
Miho bowed to the girls. "Thank you. Hyoudou-san was being... very intense."
"He is!" Saori sat down opposite Miho. "I suppose if any of them was going to get a girlfriend it'd probably be him but there's no way that'd happen without me hearing about it. I know everyone, don't I Hana?"
The tall, dark-haired girl smiled. "That's true. Do you mind us sitting with you, Nishizumi-chan?"
"N-no. Please do."
"Great! So what brings you here? I heard you did your first year on Schwarzwald - hardly anyone ever transfers schoolships!"
"I..." Miho had been thinking off and on about how to explain that. "Um. My mother didn't want me to stay in the same school as my sister."
"Oh..." Saori frowned. "How come? I don't have a sister. Don't you get along?"
Miho coloured and she was about to try another evasion when the classroom door slid open to admit a tall - very tall - blue-haired girl. There was a muted gasp from Saori as the girl was followed by a boy, quite a handsome one with blond hair. He had the sleeves of his uniform shirt rolled up and a cheerful look on his face.
"It's Saji-san!" Saori hissed to Miho. "He's the only boy on the student council. And he's single!"
The two new arrivals scanned the room and then settled on the trio of girls, smoothly crossing the room - other students politely giving way - to approach them.
Saori's eyes grew wide. "He's coming here. Hana, does my hair look okay?"
Saji-san grinned as he reached the table and just as Saori was about to dissolve into a puddle and embarrass herself, they looked past her and the tall girl bowed slightly to Miho. "Nishizumi-san, the Student President requests your presence at a meeting. Please come with us."
The girl looked uneasily at her companions. "But... history class starts in a minute."
Saji waved his hands dismissively. "You're excused. Besides, if you did the class about the liberation of Gallia in '44 last week then this'll be pretty much the same. Just put in Venezia instead of Gallia and Romagna instead of Britannia. Wonderweapon goes awry, 501st Joint Fighter Wing saves the day."
"Ah... actually I think we are doing the liberation of Gallia this week."
"Well you can catch up next week when the class covers the liberation of Venezia then."
"We can take notes for you," offered Hana kindly.
Miho nodded hesitantly and repacked her bookbag, hanging it by the side of her desk. Saori gave her a thumbs up. "Good luck," she beamed, apparently having recovered from having Saji essentially ignore her wishful looks at him.
"Why does Sitri-san want me at a meeting?" Miho asked hesitantly.
Saji shrugged. "She didn't tell me. Do you have any idea, Tsubasa-chan?"
The girl shook her head. "I'm not sure. Perhaps we'll find out why the Principal and other administrators have been out of touch this week."
Miho had never visited the Student Council rooms and she didn't now - the meeting was in the Principal's office. It was a large room - at least as large as a class room - with the Principal's desk positioned with the windows behind it. About a third of the room was taken up by couches and soft chairs around a low coffee table but the meeting obviously wasn't going to be around the table because Student President Sitri Sona was sat behind the desk.
The relatively short Fusan witch might have looked presumptious sitting behind the large desk but she didn't, she looked in charge, reminding Miho of her mother.
"Nishizumi-san." Sona nodded coolly. "We're waiting for two more people. Thank you Genshirou, Tsubaki. You can return to class now."
The sharp tone sent the two retreating and Miho was left standing alone in front of the desk. There was only one adult present, a grey-haired Fusan woman wearing a tracksuit top over a a one-piece swimsuit. She wasn't the only one with bare legs - actually Miho realised she was the only person in the room wearing a skirt.
Of course, she realised. Sitri-san isn't just a student. She's one of the Air Defense Witches. The other girls must be too.
The older woman was the only one armed though - she had a bokken in a bag across her back. After a moment, Miho decided this must be the school's reputedly formidable kendo coach.
The door opened and two more girls. Both were embarrasingly well-endowed compared to Miho, a buxom redhead and another Fusan.
"No problems," Sona asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Just a minor matter," the redhead replied with no sign of repentance at being tardy.
Sona nodded. "Most of us know each other. For the sake of exceptions, I'm Kaigun Taii Sitri Sona, the Student President and in the absence of the administration, I'm responsible for Oorai."
A bespectacled girl standing next to the desk bowed slightly. "Kaigun Chui Shinra Tsubaki. Student Vice President."
"Major Gremory Rias, Head of the Occult Research Club and chief Night Witch," the redhead introduced herself with a friendly smile.
The black-haired girl with her also smiled although it seemed a little less friendly. "Rikugan Chui Himejima Akeno. Rias-sama's second."
Eyes went to Miho. "Ah... Nishizumi Miho, second year. Um. I volunteered for the Naval Infantry?"
"Nishizumi-san recently transferred from Schwarzwald," Sona clarified.
"Welcome to Oorai!" The speaker was the oldest of the girls present, with short dark hair and features that were mixed asian and european. "I'm Rikugan Chusa Chono Ami, commander of Oorai's Strike Witch Wing." She gave Miho a thumbs up. "I saw the finals!" Then a frown crossed her face. "Wait, naval infantry? Aren't you -"
Sona cleared her throat. "We'll get to that in a moment."
Miho shrank in on herself.
"I'm Chono Mio," the room's only adult introduced herself. "I teach kendo." Then she grinned unexpectedly. "My granddaughter told me all about you, Nishizumi!"
Ami humphed and leant forwards slightly, shielding her mouth from Mio. "She's also a Kaigun Shosho."
Mio laughed - almost cawed. "I'm retired and that was a long time ago."
"This is your application for the Naval Infantry, Nishizumi-san." Sona placed it on the desk in front of her. "I understand you were part of Schwarzwald's Panzer Squadron in your freshman year. And a member of the Junior Division of the Tankery Club before that."
"Yes," Miho admitted in a small voice.
"And a part of Schwarzwald's competition team, who have taken the international trophy seven years running and were only narrowly defeated last year in the finals."
Miho's affirmative was almost inaudible.
Sona nodded sharply and tore the application in two. "You may be aware Oorai doesn't have a competition team for tankery. This was primarily because we didn't have much of a Panzer Squadron." Her lips thinned. "Or any Panzer Squadron, it seems."
She held out one hand and Tsubaki put a second piece of paper in it, along with a red and gold collar patch, decorated with a single silver star.
"For reasons I may not disclose today, this must change. You are hereby assigned to our Panzer Squadron with the rank of Rikugan Shosa."
"Congratulations!" Mio cried out and with another crow of laughter, slapped Mio hard on the back.
Miho woke up in the school medbay.
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
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... they're jumping her straight to Major? Wow. No wonder she fainted.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
It's nice how you have managed to make Issei's overt lechery almost cute. Of course it helps to be able to see it in a comedic fasion rather than it would be if not done over the top. I'm curious if you are going to provide an explaination for the fanservice of Strike Witches and their lack of skirts and pants, or just leave that as a running gag/symbol for witches?
Finally, I'm sorry Nishizumi but you are stuck with your lot in life with panzers. Now there are magical girls about to ensure it!
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Hmmm. Is Nishizumi a Tank Witch, perhaps?
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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Quote:ECSNorway wrote: Hmmm. Is Nishizumi a Tank Witch, perhaps?
To be played by Lori Petty in the live-action adaptation?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Quote:"Congratulations!" Mio cried out and with another crow of laughter, slapped Mio hard on the back.
I think you have the wrong person being slapped on the back here.
Anyway, this looks pretty interesting.
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Fixed, thanks happerry.
"I didn't mean for that to happen. What are you making Shosa out of, these days?"
"Little girls." Ami ushered her grandmother into the Witches' briefing room. Other than the nature of the posters on the walls it could hardly be told from the classrooms that made up most of the building. "She'll have to do. She's the only experienced tanker I could get my hands on."
"You couldn't pull one from another school. Or even a regular."
"The other schools are tightening up their panzers too. And a Regular wouldn't do it. The girls need to see that one of them can tank or they'll never have any confidence."
"Hmm." Mio stalked down the aisle of the room, eyes flickering restlessly. "I don't like being out of the loop, Ami. What's this all about."
"It's classified."
"I think still know where enough skeletons are buried."
"I know, I just wanted to make sure you knew not to spread this around. It'll hit the press sooner or later but.." She looked around to make sure they were alone. "The Nadeau was hit by the Neuroi."
Mio nodded gravely. "How bad?"
"Well they they didn't manage to sink her. It was close though." Ami rubbed her face. "They were in the North Atlantic. Seven of their witches went into the water. You know what that means."
That got a grim nod.
"Their panzer squadron was good. They managed to take out the Neuroi before it got into the engineering spaces. Not before they reach some of the shelters."
Ami's grandmother looked at something far away. "We've never lost a schoolship."
"It's only the second time they've got through Witches to reach a schoolship. Needless to say the administrators who let the panzer squadron here wither won't be coming back."
"I should say not. It's not the worst thing I've heard but..."
"I remember the stories, grandmother." Ami looked down the room and out the window toward where the panzer squadron's buildings still loomed. "I've only found one tank so far."
"And you're dropping that on Nishizumi-san. Well, I can't say I've not done worse. How about your girls? Are they ready?"
"The investigators think so or I wouldn't still be here." Ami hopped up on the table at the front of the room, legs swinging beneath her. "I'm not so sure."
Mio remained silent. She'd learned from Minna that sometimes people would speak just to fill a silence.
"It's more like three little squads - my three, Gremory's coterie and the three on the Student Council. The chain of command's a mess. And you know how hard it is to discipline a witch."
"And you haven't taken them in hand because...?"
"Because they're too damn good. Gremory's cocky as all hell. Powerful and she knows it. Sitri's almost as strong and almost as arrogant - perhaps more responsible."
"So why give Gremory the night command?"
"We're an interception wing," Ami explained unhappily. "Sona's a chess player - she always wants to be plotting out ahead of time, whittle away at a target... We don't have that luxury on interception and at least Rias will smash a target flat as her first instinct."
"A pair of prima donnas. That's not exactly new, Ami. You need to keep them in line."
"I know my limits, grandma. I'm not the next Minna Wilcke any more than I'm the next you or the next Oma Erica. I'm good... but I can't match up against these two."
"I hear a but, and it's not the one on the desk."
"My three are good - not so much individually as much as a team. If I can't overawe Gremory and Sitri alone, I think having the four of us out match their little squads might have much the same effect."
"If they can't beat you, they'll join you?" Mio nodded. "That could work. You want me to help?"
"You've got it. You trained Lynette Bishop and I think Kadotani has just as much potential for precision shooting. And besides that..." She grinned slyly.
Her grandmother turned to the window to hide her face. "You look just like Erica right now."
Ami paused and swallowed. "Thank you. Anyway. I have a secret weapon: Gunso Kawashima Momo."
"And what does she do? Breathe fire?"
"You might think, sometimes." The dark-haired Chusa smiled. "She has the Magan."
"...maybe my hearing's beginning to go." Mio's hand went to he left eye. "Did you say - the Magan?"
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
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All I can say is bwah! and more!!!