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One reason to love flight sims...
One reason to love flight sims...
... is the crazy stuff you could NEVER get away with in real life!


(Oh yeah, and XB-70 Valkyrie with accompanying music "Ride of the Valkyries" music cue FOR THE WIN! ^_^)



"Gak! You... You COULDN'T!"

" Couldn't?! Couldn't?! I am GILGAMESH
WULFENBACH, little man - and there is NOTHING I couldn't do, had I cause!

Holy crap. I never though I would see a 747 do a barrel roll and still come out flying level. The touch with the XB-70 was neat, but I almost wish they had
used an SR-71 instead.
Hearing the passengers screaming during heavy maneuvers was rather priceless...
DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain...
Oh man. That's just rofltastic. I can get the basic premise: 747 captain gets ticked off by a aerobatics skydancer and it just goes from there. The
ultralight & the XB-70 are just in it for the increased WTF!?@! factor.

If you think pure Flight Sims are a good source for 'The Win!', aircombat sim/games can do the same. I mean look at some of the missions the Ace Combat
series has (aside from the Macross Missile Massacre ordnance load-outs) flying though tunnels and the odd trench run for mission related targets.

Heck, in Ace Combat 6 there's times I'm going mach 1+ at sub-treetop levels, plinking tanks. In even earlier games - F19/F117 - I'd tootle around
at ground level - like a tank- to perform some missions. So yeah give me the crazy.

Quote:Holy crap. I never though I would see a 747 do a barrel roll and still come out flying level.
I want to see the blimp do a barrel roll.

Cute clip, I like it.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Reminds me of the old DI Tornado sim... I remember one time, I was cruising to my target at about 250 feet, and suddenly my threat warning goes nuts. I
couldn't figure out what was going on until I used an external camera, and there was a mig-29 on my tail, bout a quarter mile back. I couldn't get
around on him to use a missile, and he wasn't shooting at me, so I was getting a little irritated. So I said what the hell, and dropped a 1000lb high-drag
bomb. Scratch one '29! ^_^ Ahhh, the stuff you can only get away with in sims. Gotta love it.

-WFalling out of aeroplanes and hiding out in holes

Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home

Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head

Now everybody dancing the dance of the dead
My favorite is still the old Chuck Yeager's Air Combat. For the 486 or something. It came on a pair of 3.5" disks if I recall correctly.

"There I was in my (insert plane choice) at (choose altitude), when suddenly I (choose attack or attacked by) (insert number of hostiles and type of
plane) at (choose altitude)."

The opportunities for creative insanity defined that game. My favorite encounter was still taking out MIGs with a P-51 Mustang. Sure they had speed and
missiles, but I was such a small target, and I could turn inside their minimums at ridiculously low altitudes. They never had a chance... Smile
Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do.
An ex-Air Force officer I worked with told an anecdote about being one of the crew of a B-52 being dogged by fighters (F-15s, I
think) -- nothing hostile, just teasing the BUFF with a "we could fly rings around you" attitude. According to my friend,
the pilot got fed up and tipped the B-52 on its side. Goodbye, lift, and the BUFF just dropped like a stone until he rolled it back to level. Meanwhile, the
fighter jocks are audibly panicking. I have some doubts about this, because I envision the B-52 coming apart under the strain coming
back on those wings, but the guy telling me the story didn't claim he did it, just that he witnessed it from inside the plane, so
it might be more than a tall story. At any rate, it approached the insanity of some of the maneuvers in that sim video.

And yeah, I was half expecting the blimp to put on an impossible surge of speed and catch up to the jets.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.

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