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He's Back! Shadowjack Sailor Moon Thread returneth!
He's Back! Shadowjack Sailor Moon Thread returneth!
With musical accompaniment!



As usual requires login, please direct all praise to Shadowjack.

All the memories and feelings and knowledge of the lost year flooded back into Usagi's head. Her fights, her friends, the deaths of her friends, and the
source of her desire to live a normal life. She awakened with tears in her eyes.

"Hail, Princess Serenity!" It was Luna who spoke these words.

The eyes blinked. They did not focus. Nowhere in the chamber was there any movement.

"Hail, Mahusagitman, Sailor Moon!" said Luna.

The eyes stared ahead, unseeing.

"Hello, Usagi," said Luna.

The forehead creased slightly, the eyes squinted, fell upon Luna, moved on to the rest of the room. "Where…?" she asked, in a whisper.

"Naru's room," answered Luna.

Usagi closed her eyes. "And you dared to bring me back?"


Usagi bowed her head. "Rightly are cats called cruel, Luna. You have snatched away from me the ultimate experience. You have broken upon the dark stone
of your will that which is beyond all comprehension and immortal splendor. Why could you not have left me as I was, in the sea of common being?"

"Because a world has need of your humility, your piety, your boundless optimism and your goddamn princess wand."
Lord of Light for the win. Great-Souled Usagi has returned!


"An object at rest -- CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!!!"

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