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Legions of Fire
Legions of Fire
*Sigh* I'd promised myself I wasn't going to waste people's time by posting here, but this is bothering me so much I've just got to talk about it to somebody who'll likely understand. I'm venting, more or less.
David Drake's new fantasy, The Legions of Fire, is in the bookstores. OK, I generally like Drake's work, so I eagerly looked into this book. The introduction states that the setting is not the Roman Empire at about the time of Tiberius, but is rather the empire of Carce (Eddison readers rejoice, I suppose). Not three pages into it, I'm jarred to discover that Carce speaks Latin, has troops in Germany and Gaul and Batavia -- in short, it seems to be Rome in everything except the name of the capital city, and none of the other placenames are changed. A bit further on, I find a reference to Publius Atilius Regulus, hero of the war against Carthage -- yes, even those historical figures I've seen mentioned have the same names.
I haven't gotten deep enough into the story yet to know if I'm going to enjoy the plot, but the characterizations seem interesting, so far. The Carce/Rome thing, though, is driving me clottin' crackers, because it seems so pointless to change only that one name from the background.
*Sigh* Shutting up now.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Well, it's likely not much of a consolation, but if he didn't change it he'd have just as many history buffs riding up his tail for "getting it all wrong."

At the very least, he has opportunity to change things up if he should wish, with out fear of historical reproach.

The Master said: "It is all in vain! I have never yet seen a man who can perceive his own faults and bring the charge home against himself."

>Analects: Book V, Chaper XXVI

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