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Hexe's Blessing
Hexe's Blessing
I am somewhat suspicious that the "blessing" is going to give Lisa the "Sailor Loon" powers again. Or at least some sort of power.
Re: Hexe's Blessing
In response, one paragraph from the beginning of chapter 13:
On her way back to Raven's from the Shogakukan complex, Lisa had
realized that the uncontrollable tide of memories had receded and
no longer threatened to swamp her sense of self. What made it
worrisome, though, was that her relief had begun when Wetter Hexe
had kissed her forehead. If the simulacrum of Hexe had in fact
been what she'd claimed to be -- *And Doug certainly thought she
was!* -- Lisa could only guess at the cost. As Doug had said
more than once in her presence, the gods never gave anything for

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Hexe's Blessing
I somewhat doubt that taking away the memory problem is the only thing that happened. It just seems like the sort of thing that normally happens just before someone finds out that they've been given super powers.
Re: Hexe's Blessing
Super powers and a Quest, don't forget the Quest. The Deity gives you a Mission andthen a boon to help you complete it. That and the resposibility to use power corectly.
Re: Hexe's Blessing
All good points...
Its been a pretty standard thought for me that the "Sailor Loon" incident could have / Did awaken something in Lisa. Weither it was a standard Mage-gift, or something like telekinetic powers we'll still have to wait for chapters 13-14 to find out, of course.
Why do I say this? Honestly, go back and read that chapter. Listen to what Doug says about awakening someone's powers. Check out what Lisa feels after Invisible Touch manifests. And remember that what she did with the powers was more than the effects that would have manifested if "I'll play for you" had only transfered "Invisible Touch's" powers to Lisa...."I was an Otaku before those kids came along and changed the meaning of the word."

-- HM "Howling Mad" Wilson to more than one team-mate.
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children

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