A. C. R. O. N. Y. M.
07-15-2022, 04:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2022, 09:29 PM by classicdrogn.)
07-15-2022, 04:23 PM (This post was last modified: 07-15-2022, 09:29 PM by classicdrogn.)
ACRONYM Creation Rationalizations, Or: Naming Your Machinery
I've asked this kind of question before, because I tend to have only accidental success at it myself, but anyoine have suggestions for why a power armor might be officially referred to with the letters EZLS? Best I've got so far is Enhanced Zero/zero Light Suit, probably appended to something like Cyberpunk's ACPA as a catch-all for the general class of Armored Combat Power Armor, with zero/zero being either referring to being able to deploy from the air like an ejection seat (zero altitude/zero airspeed to as high as the vehicle can take it) or something like zero reduced agility/zero added sensor signature compared to a normal foot soldier.
Or as the troopers call it, Easy Alice, 'cause it's hot and tight and any conscript farm kid can get in and ride as soon as they get out of Basic Training, but even the old hands have to admit it's damn good fun. Despite not matching the unit's official designation in any way, this also leads to the more complicated recon/spec ops suits (with a notoriously PITA active camo system) being called "Bitchy Betty."
I don't like the Z/Z part as it stands, though, so if anyone can come up with a better rationale to fit the flavor text, it would be welcomed.
Likewise, if anyone's got a piece of gear they want help naming, let 'er rip; I may not be much help but I can try.
I've asked this kind of question before, because I tend to have only accidental success at it myself, but anyoine have suggestions for why a power armor might be officially referred to with the letters EZLS? Best I've got so far is Enhanced Zero/zero Light Suit, probably appended to something like Cyberpunk's ACPA as a catch-all for the general class of Armored Combat Power Armor, with zero/zero being either referring to being able to deploy from the air like an ejection seat (zero altitude/zero airspeed to as high as the vehicle can take it) or something like zero reduced agility/zero added sensor signature compared to a normal foot soldier.
Or as the troopers call it, Easy Alice, 'cause it's hot and tight and any conscript farm kid can get in and ride as soon as they get out of Basic Training, but even the old hands have to admit it's damn good fun. Despite not matching the unit's official designation in any way, this also leads to the more complicated recon/spec ops suits (with a notoriously PITA active camo system) being called "Bitchy Betty."
I don't like the Z/Z part as it stands, though, so if anyone can come up with a better rationale to fit the flavor text, it would be welcomed.
Likewise, if anyone's got a piece of gear they want help naming, let 'er rip; I may not be much help but I can try.
noli esse culus
noli esse culus