Base hull: large asteroid
Source work: Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie
They haven't gotten Story Water working yet, so the stories are (extensively indexed, cross-referenced, and otherwise linked) records in a more ordinary database farm.
P2C2E House: Kahani's drives are as inexplicable as raw Handwavium, though they seem to include large numbers of highly unusual moving parts. The official documents call them "Goldberg-Robinson Drives", but everyone calls them M2C2D: Machines too Complicated to Describe, and running with the source, insist that they operate on P2C2E: Processes too Complicated to Explain.
Goo Goo G'joob: Everyone calls Kahani's propulsion engineers and Handwavium researchers (of which it has something of a surfeit) Eggheads. The chief Egghead is called the Walrus. These terms creep into the speech of visitors quite quickly.
That most essential of qualities: Tooling around the Solar System, Kahani is a bit slower than other semi-mobile stations. Closely orbiting a planet, however, gives it Ludicrous Speed. Like, Blackbird-level Speed. Not much use for getting around, though, since all that Speed simply vanishes the moment Kahani's orbit deviates from nearly-circular.