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-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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There is no way to get the point across properly without being graphic about it. Just no way.
"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
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I don't live in Tucson, but as an Arizonan, that pretty much sums up my thoughts on a good many of the pundits who have chosen to share their oh so well thought and oh so tastefully stated opinions on what happened. Then, as bad as the professional pundits are you've got the newspaper website commenters (I've pretty much come to the conclusion that one should never read the comments on newspaper articles unless one wants to lose faith in humanity) and other freelance pundits as well.
I'd comments on Fred Phelps here too, but I don't curse often and I already dropped on expletive in my initial tweets upon hearing about the shooting (I hadn't been listening to or reading any news all day, so by the time I heard about it they had the worst parts all nice and neatly packaged to hit you all at once). If I did comment on his plans I'd use up a year's quota of cursing in the first paragraph.
I've taken solace in noting that once again however bad things are, and it's pretty nasty this time, we also once again saw people reacting to help each other. From those who those who started first aid when they couldn't yet know whether there was another gunman or not, to the two men and a little old lady who tackled and disarmed the guy. And for every idiot pundit (and sadly at least one of our state legislators) confusing which end of their body waste matter is supposed to come out of, there are more stopping to take another look at things and ask whether they really want to keep up the level of angry violent rhetoric that's been infesting our political system at all levels.
Experience may say this period of reflection and better action won't last as long as we'd like. But it's still there and we're not so jaded yet that we aren't capable of being shocked.
Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
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It makes it's fair point, and does it very, very well.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
I predict that the next election will see those same members of the political class bemoaning the low voter turnout, with lots of (barely) veiled insults of the non-voters and a complete lack of awareness that the political class's behavior makes it increasingly difficult for decent people to even look at them on TV without vomiting.