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Re: I have decided
10-20-2006, 10:52 AM
just to see if I could do it in bright colors I have whipped up the following:
![[Image: costumes.jpg]](
Fiddling with the Jewel option on non-armored chests has simply lead to frustration, it seems to stick out too much. You end up with characters that have a jewel with a 6" base on attached to their chests, it doesn't look good. So unless someone can come up with a alternate way for the jewels to appear, it looks like we are stuck with armor.
Shoes: I'm leaning towards boots as an alternative to the baggy socks, simply because I don't like the way the socks end at the top.
(and yes, I like the armbands too much)-Terry
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Re: I have decided
10-20-2006, 01:28 PM
Firstly, as a general comment...I still think that particular design looks better in dark colours.
That isn't to say the red and green isn't nice, too, see - they're pretty good. I simply think the dark grey was better. Much better. I really liked it in grey, the other test options...not as much.
I suppose part of my insistence over the chest gems is because I actually like the chest detail Jewel, and in fact prefer it on non-armored torsos. I like it prominent...but that's 'cause I tend to make it a fairly central focus in the costume, and in any case usually make the base ring the same colour as part of the chest pattern.
(See Obsolete for an example of this)
That said, I do think displaying it is fairly critical to the collective concept. The group's called The Facets of Yrmaw, after all, so we're stuck with that too.
With regards to shoes...I dunno, the boots don't seem right to me either. It's the laces down the front, I think...they don't quite gel with the rest of the costume.
There's also the fact that boots like those are practical footwear, and if anything, what the ladies are wearing should be terribly impractical, in fine magical girl tradition. Heels or something.
I favour the baggy socks, myself, tho I agree, yeah, the end point between socks-and-knee looks a little odd against bare legs...I usually use baggy socks with a leg pattern or tights.
(Tho I agree, the bracers are neat)
In any case, for the moment, I think what we've got at present is pretty much workable - the status quo design, yeah. I think it provides enough uniformity, and most of us can live with it. I'd merely like to consider different footwear, maybe gloves. Maybe I'll go mock up some samples later.
That said, it's still productive to discuss alternative designs and possible variations - because when Issue 8 hits, we'll have free tailor tokens to play with as part of veteran rewards.
So if we wanna make changes, now's the right time to debate 'em.
-- Acyl
The Hunterminator
10-20-2006, 03:28 PM
Quote: That is SO incredibly a "Raven/Starfire" moment! ^_^
What's so odd is that there was no planning at all, I just roleplayed Lloelie, and it ended up like that.
And it was so much fun to roleplay, I don't think we could have made a better personality clash than that even if we sat down and planned it.
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Re: Heh...
10-20-2006, 08:23 PM
No planning on my part, either. As I've noted before, I've never watched Teen Titans.
-- Acyl
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Re: Heh...
10-21-2006, 03:19 AM
First order of business...
Meet Rina of the Shadow.
This screenshot was taken when the 'sparkles' from the dark armor powers were at low ebb. When they're at high ebb, the blue lines sort of fade out, which I think is kind of cool looking. (The gems are a bit more visible, though I might brighten the color on them up a bit anyway. Never really noticed this effect on Anire, but then the parts of her that aren't black are white or skin, which don't blend in that well. Or I could just be getting distracted by the fishnet stockings...) Mentally comparing Rina to everyone else I've seen, I think she's going to stand out quite a bit anyway, just due to being a big ball of darkness...
Second order of business...
On costumes in general. The more I fiddle with things, the more impressed I am with upper body/armored/chest/armor plate/none. The base you have before applying a pattern largely shifts to match the primary color you have selected, wheras some (say, tech banded) have large jarring areas of white stuck on them. Medieval looks fantastic when your secondary color is white (which is why I was using it when I first started playing with designs for Rina), but with other secondary colors it seems kind of jarring.
I can't really think of any suggestions from other categories. Jackets just don't look like armor, and nothing else is even close. Not going into other categories... what about using a different pattern? The little round thingies and such are there even with no pattern anyway, the addition from armor plate pattern is changing some large areas from the primary color to the secondary. I don't know what pattern would be the best, but I'm sure there's *something* we can agree on. (I kind of like the look of starshot, but it doesn't put anything on the front, and I'm not sure how well it'd work conceptwise.)
And remember, if you want to test different costumes, come to the test server, where one of the half dozen Eri Silverwing clones can give you enough influence to mess with your costume for hours on end! '.'
-Morgan. o O (Upper body, armor plate; Lower body, bikini 3... I can't believe I haven't seen this in game already?)
"An evil force lies in wait for an unsuspecting group of travellers. ... Well, there's plenty of evil forces in the world, no one'll notice if this one goes missing."
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Re: Heh...
10-21-2006, 01:14 PM
Quote: (Upper body, armor plate; Lower body, bikini 3... I can't believe I haven't seen this in game already?)
-- Acyl
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a thought concerning the power gems
11-05-2006, 10:59 PM
Had a thought occure to me concerning the power gem/crystals your toons are using.
It was suggested somewhere in this thread that the crystals were 'breeding'. Combine that with the fact that the magic kingdom is basicly drafting the girls into service, and it occured to me that the gem replication might be deliberate.
Some mage back in the kindom decides that tossing randomly selected girls into combat might mean they don't last long, make the gems reproduce themselves and this way the kingdom doesn't need to keep sending out replacement gems when a draftee buys the farm. Plus there's the hope that a large number of magical girls with little training will overwealm the less numerous but better trained volunteer forces of the enemy. (the 'quantity has a quality all it's own' concept)
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin