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Cyberman 8's shapeshifting abilities
Cyberman 8's shapeshifting abilities
All the Halloween costume changing got me to thinking about my rationale for Pete's ability to morph/shapeshift, and I thought I'd set it down and make it official. His Virtueverse page has been updated with the following material. Any thoughts?


Cyberman 8 once depended on the regular "costume teleport" system in Paragon City to change armor sets or provide clothing for the humanized form that he could shift to. He has since expanded his ability to morph to a new level. While the core mechanical elements of his android frame remain largely the same, his outer "shell" has been altered and infused with nanites that can shift his form in a matter of seconds. All of his previous armor sets have been integrated into this system as well as his human guise. Clothing is also formed from this layer. His internal endo-skeleton and frame elements can also expand or contract. Mostly this is accomplished through standard mechanical systems. But more extreme changes can be assisted by the nanites. Once changed though, the system cannot affect another full shift for at least 30 seconds while the heat generated by the process is vented and distributed through his internal cooling system. He can change into several pre-set forms depending on need or whim. And has a library of additional presets that he can access from the Legendary computer systems. He cannot change his pre-sets in the field. But with some setup and research, he can morph into a likeness of any anthropomorphic form, up to and including mimicking a female guise! Needless to say, with these upgrades, Cyberman 8 can infiltrate and perform undercover work to an unprecedented degree. He uses this ability sparingly, as he is aware of the paranoia that shapeshifters cause in people and governments.

The above is meant to give a Role-playing rationale for the ability to have 5 costume slots as well as saving costume designs in the character editor of the game. Obviously it wouldn't actually fool any actual players in-game (as his name is above his head!), and enemy groups in the game aren't fooled either. But I wanted a handle on the concept so that I could include it in any stories that I or any other member of the Legendary group might write. 

For the curious - the overall concept, though I've never actually watched the movie, is similar to the female advanced Terminator from Terminator 3. (internal frame and core elements that are mostly static, enclosed in an outer layer that can morph as needed) though the major difference is that on C8 it's not "liquid metal". In fact it doesn't act anything like a liquid at all. For example, when morphing from his standard, android mode to his human guise, his "helmet" starts splitting apart into smaller and smaller segments until it becomes his "hair" (with texture to match). A similar process separates layers of the outer shell to form clothing. Visually the way that Cyberman 8 morphs into other forms has more in common with the complex transformations of the two live-action Transformers movies. 

Why does he use armor sets or plating on some forms at all? Well there are some times when having a more simple construction is more advantageous than a complex one. Simpler components and linkages can sometimes take more punishment. Armor plates can deflect blows as well as distribute force. Being sub-divided into fewer discrete segments gives the overall structure more strength. (plus it just looks really cool. ^_^)
Quote:Visually the way that Cyberman 8 morphs into other forms has more in common with the complex transformations of the two live-action Transformers movies.
Which is a really cool idea for a costume change emote, if they could do it.

Good piece of in-character tech doc, Logan.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Bob Schroeck Wrote:
Quote:Visually the way that Cyberman 8 morphs into other forms has more in common with the complex transformations of the two live-action Transformers movies.
Which is a really cool idea for a costume change emote, if they could do it.

Good piece of in-character tech doc, Logan.
Thank you. ^_^  And yeah, that would be an awesome CC emote! I compromise by using "Spin" as C8's primary CC emote. 

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