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Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-08-2006, 10:34 AM
'Cause this little feller isn't mine.
Might as well tell you guys about it. Fate/Stay Night stuff. Everyone around here seems to like it so much that it's rubbing off on me. Now, I don't know much about Fate/Stay Night aside from what all's said on Wikipedia (I haven't gone through it all thoroughly yet, mind you), but I got this irrepreassable imagery in my mind.
My cyborg avatar is on an undercover mission - assessment of a parallel world in order to figure out what the heck sets it apart from the others. To make his cover all the better, he has a regular job as a teacher in a school. He is, in fact, the archery instructor.
The scene that won't leave me alone is this - rather than Lancer being the first hostile Servant we see, instead we have Berserker instead for some reason. Saber is there, too, about to fight on Rhodes's behalf, when he gently moves her aside, saying in a dead-pan tone...
"I can fight my own battles, thank you very much." *KER-POOOOWWWWwwww!!!*
He throws a collosal ear-ringing punch into the Berserker's chest and sends him flying, much to the shock of anyone present. I mean, really, would you expect a normal -looking- human to have that kind of strength? ^_^
I'd probably just as soon as drop this, but the potential shock-value is just too appealing to pass up. Thoughts please? Maybe even some help fleshing this idea out? Black Aeronaut Technologies Group, LLC
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"To the commissary we should go," Yoda declared firmly. "News
of this kind a danish requires."
Re: Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-08-2006, 11:41 AM
well if you want to do it for shock value a spamfic or one-shot would be most appropriate.
That said I can just see the scene, Beserker is loomin ominously in that way he does, Saber is staring him down defiantly hands clenched along nothing as if she is holding a sword. Queue the gallant/showoff streak in the teacher Shiro order her to resque.
I pick the tiny girl in front of me up by the waist. Saber, an odd name that one, gasped in surprise, indignation or something else? It doesn't matter, I set her aside, literaly and figurativly, while muttering; "I can fight my own battles, thank you very much."
So saying I cock me fist back and let fly a full strenth punch into the chest of this moving mountein of muskle. OUCH, that hurt, what's this guy made of? And how is he getting back up?
I'd put it as the day after shiro summons Saber, and Saber comes with him based on the strenth of the argument regarding the wierd teacher.
I wonder what Archer would make of him.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
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Re: Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-08-2006, 12:17 PM
Quote: OUCH, that hurt, what's this guy made of? And how is he getting back up?
Uhhh... CPO Rhodes is a cyborg who's known for having the physical strength and speed to punch tanks accross battle fields, a la Hulk style. If anything, even with Berserker's 'invunerable' hide, he probably pulverized his innards. Scratch one life out of twelve for Berserker. Quote: I'd put it as the day after shiro summons Saber, and Saber comes with him based on the strenth of the argument regarding the wierd teacher.
I can see that happening. Rhodes, being a good samaritan and teacher, would be concerned about what's going on for the sake of his student. Shiro and Saber might be weirded out by this, but Rhodes would lay it out straight for them:
"Look guys, I don't know for sure what's going on, and your being tight-lipped with me about it is not helping. You can try to lose me if you want, but I doubt you'll have much luck. My eyes are biomechanical constructs that can see into infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths and I have binocular pulse-doppler vision as well, so don't think that casting some sort of invisibility spell's gonna help you. Besides, if something happens to -you-" he says, pointing to Saber, "then who's gonna watch out for him?" he finished, pointing to Shiro this time. "Well then?"
Of course, someone might ask what he gets out of it...
"Well, it's kinda complicated and a bit of a secret as well. All I can really get away with telling you is that I represent a group of people who are investigating this world. It's nothing you need to worry about. We're not invaders or anything like that. In fact, once I'm done here, you'll probably never see or here of us again." Black Aeronaut Technologies Group, LLC
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"To the commissary we should go," Yoda declared firmly. "News
of this kind a danish requires."
Re: Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-08-2006, 02:00 PM
Quote: Uhhh... CPO Rhodes is a cyborg who's known for having the physical strength and speed to punch tanks accross battle fields, a la Hulk style. If anything, even with Berserker's 'invunerable' hide, he probably pulverized his innards. Scratch one life out of twelve for Berserker.
Beserker is though, very tough. Excalibor bounces off though. Mundane strenth just isn't enough.
Also magical damage is just worse then mundane damage. A Magical punch will just hurt a lot of things a lot more than a nonmagical rpg.
Servants are also noted for having a good amount of resistance to mundane damage.
Quote: I can see that happening. Rhodes, being a good samaritan and teacher, would be concerned about what's going on for the sake of his student. Shiro and Saber might be weirded out by this, but Rhodes would lay it out straight for them:
That is the path of the bad SI, don't follow it. Why does he help Shiro and not Illeya? Why does Shiro trust him (never mind shiro is way to trusting, but Rin and Saber at least are smarter) And so forth.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
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Re: Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-08-2006, 05:45 PM
If I remember correctly, from blackaeronaut's last fic post...CPO Rhodes does have magical abilities; his cyborg body includes some kinda extremely powerful mystical doohickey stuck in his torso.
In any case, when dealing with magic or technobabble, and comparing stuff between widely different sources... how 'powerful' something is...that's really quite subjective, really. Especially 'cause most anime, manga, TV writers...don't usually sit down and actually work things out, but rather run with whatever suits dramatic license.
So trying to argue that, say, Ryoga Hibiki (of Ranma 1/2 fame), is clearly strong enough that bullets bounce of his skin, and attempting to back that up with Physics equations... well, that's fine, and I respect work like that. ![[Image: wink.gif]]( But the ground it's based on is still shaky at best.
-- Acyl
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Re: Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-08-2006, 07:39 PM
Quote: That is the path of the bad SI, don't follow it. Why does he help Shiro and not Illeya? Why does Shiro trust him (never mind shiro is way to trusting, but Rin and Saber at least are smarter) And so forth.
I would have realized it myself sooner or later.
How about this, then. Rhodes and Berserker are slugging it out, and it seems that they're pretty evenly matched, except that Rhodes has got a very distinct speed advantage, but Berserker's just soakin' up the damage.
By now, a good deal of that fragile outter skin has taken some serious pounding as well - some has been torn away completely. The others realize that Rhodes is most assuredly something other than human.
They call a time-out because things are most assuredly getting out of hand and far more into the twilight zone than anyone imagined it would - besides, they figure as fast as Rhodes is, he could have just knocked Berserker for a wallop and then done God knows what while the big lug was stunned. Only now do they ask who the heck he is. Rhodes says that he'll only divulge that information if they tell him why the hell they're trying to kill each other.
And so on, and so forth.
Long story short, since it seems he can't be killed (at least, not very easily at all), and making him disapear isn't an option (he told them doing so would be the biggest mistake of their lives and why, with illustrated assistance from Aki), he is permitted to be an impartial observer of the proceedings as long as he stays quite about what's going on.
Depending on what material I'll decide to use, Rhodes is gonna eventually side with Shiro and company at one point in time or another. I definitely want Kirei Kotomine as the ultimate bad guy in all this, and I certainly want a nicely convuluted plot, so I'll probably use a lot of materials from all three FateStay scenarios. In this manner, it will probably take cues from the anime, but I'd like it to be it's own version as my character is certain to have an impact.
Interesting thing about Rhodes... During the first major arc of his story (mostly the stuff you guys have seen me work on here in the forums) the 'Supernatural Shit' that Miranda Keyes was so keen to point out in "A Daughter For The Soldier" only became noticable about midway... After Rhodes's first long-term leave in which he finds that not even his Vacations tend to be the most restful. It's at the end of that story when, in return for all his help, he is given a gift: A Soulstone (Ref. Earthsong)
And not just any soulstone either. It was the same one that Nanashi used. Thus, it has some pretty impressive powers and the ability to summon a pair of powerfully enchanted blades. Rhodes feels that such a gift is wasted on him - he's more machine than man. Earthsong insists, though, on the point that she'd rather not have something like as powerful as that lying around. She doesn't want it to fall into the wrong hands and feels that Rhodes is capable of keeping that from happening. With that in mind, Rhodes accepts the gift.
Fast forward to what is at hand now. Previous experiences have revealed to him that he can put that Soulstone to use, it just takes a sort of effort that he's unfamiliar with. Ergo, when he meets Berserker, he'd love to have those enchanted blades, but he'd rather not let the situation degrade to the point of duress where they would normally appear. Rhodes later confesses this information to the other Shiro and comapany in hopes that they can help him bring this wild talent into his control.
Of course, it's not gonna be easy for him to learn, and once he steps down from being an impartial observer to a combatant there's going to be a few close calls as well. He may have figured it out, but he doesn't really get the hang of it until the end.
So, does that sound better to you? If not, then I'll go ahead and dropkick this evil little bunny into the next millinieum. Black Aeronaut Technologies Group, LLC
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"To the commissary we should go," Yoda declared firmly. "News
of this kind a danish requires."
Re: Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-08-2006, 08:59 PM
It does sound better, but keep in mind the sheer epic scale of the opponents you're supposed to be battling. There is a magically boosted HERCULES and a boosted KING ARTHUR wielding EXCALIBUR as just 2 examples.
1) Now I will grant that the Master Chief and Hercules are about equally badass.
2) Therefore a magically boosted Hercules is more badass than the Master Chief.
3) The Master Chief is more badass than Rhodes, it's in his contract "I shall not be more badass than the Master Chief." read the fine print on page 17
4) So in terms of badassness we have Servant Hercules > Hercules = Master Chief > Rhodes. Therefore Servant Hercules > Rhodes. QED
Granted the anime lacks the proper epic feel to it the only time it does it properly is in episode 14. Still what is the point of fanfiction if you are not going to be better than the original?
Now this is all just my opinion, your milage may vary. And of course the laws of drama override even the power of the gods, and definitly that of any 2 bit hero or a combat cyborg.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
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Re: Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-08-2006, 11:26 PM
*Chukles* Okay, okay, I get the message here. At the very least he can put up a good front line defense. I won't allow him to be helpless for terribly long, though. The Trinity wouldn't stand for it either - they want a soldier who can handle these situations.
Question: no one would dare attack Shiro while he was someplace like school in the daylight hours, would they? They do, after all, want to keep this war quiet, right? That'd be one less thing for Rhodes to worry about, but I myself had the amusing mental imagery of Saber tagging along with Shiro to school as a fellow student. ^_^;; Black Aeronaut Technologies Group, LLC
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11-09-2006, 03:15 AM
Quote: So saying I cock me fist back and let fly a full strenth punch into the chest of this moving mountein of muskle. OUCH, that hurt, what's this guy made of? And how is he getting back up?
Does anybody else hear a certain spinach-swilling sailor in this, or am I crazy?
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Re: Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-09-2006, 03:17 AM
Rider and Shinji attacked the school in broad daylight and duked it out with Saber and Shirou.
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Re: Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-09-2006, 05:11 AM
Thanks tjalorak. ^_^ Black Aeronaut Technologies Group, LLC
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"To the commissary we should go," Yoda declared firmly. "News
of this kind a danish requires."
Re: Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-09-2006, 05:31 AM
Quote: Does anybody else hear a certain spinach-swilling sailor in this, or am I crazy?
you ware most definitely not the only one ![[Image: happy.gif]]( zomg. the plotbunny.. it is multiplying.. send help!_______________________________
We are the swords in the darkness, the watchers on the walls. The fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn. The horn that wakes the sleepers. The shield that guards the realms of men. -The Brothers Black
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Re: Did somebody lose a bunny?
11-09-2006, 05:46 AM
Quote: you ware most definitely not the only one zomg. the plotbunny.. it is multiplying.. send help!
Oh dear... Popeye vs. Servant Berserker? Now that's a spamfic, and one I'd probably read just to see him do something like roll berserker into a ball and juggle him with his legs. Black Aeronaut Technologies Group, LLC
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"To the commissary we should go," Yoda declared firmly. "News
of this kind a danish requires."