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Pretty Cure Splash Star and Naruto
Pretty Cure Splash Star and Naruto
Well, I just watched the sub of the first ep of Splash Star, and two thoughts are foremost in my mind:
1) This is really pathetic comparred to the original continuity, both in the grab of the first episode plot and enemy, and the character deisgns
2) "If you lack earth, run in the fields and become strong - if you lack heaven, study and gain wisdom - this is the meaning of chuunin." Being empowered by the spirits of flowers and birds, Cure Blossom and Cure Egret defend the ancient forest and seek to regenerate some kind of mystical fountain-thingies. Right off the bat, this looks like The Secret adventures of Ino and Sakura, pre-graduation... and then we learn the fiull names of the girls, and the one I had pegged as Ino is a Hyuuga, which is SO not right. The whole energy barier and wind blast thing would fit with Hyuugas, though.
Also, the theme song is generic craptastic J-rock, another big letdown from the original version - granted, it was also relatively generic J-rock, but at least it was CATCHY J-rock. And I miss the chrome-plated henshin sequence, and the Marvelous Screw being the finishing blow energy attack used by Cure Black and Cure White.
- CDSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Dr. Akagi will recover. Observe, Rei smiled. Shinji-kun, are these your clothes?
Ritsuko shot up like a spring loaded meerkat. What? Shinji-kun is naked?
See, Anata? Dr. Hentai is alive and well. - Innortal's _I Do_
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

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