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Minor plot bunny, HP style
Minor plot bunny, HP style
This just won't leave me alone. I came up with it while making dog biscuits today:
Hermione as a closet Counter-Strike junkie. I can just see her standing over a Death Eater's corpse and saying "J00 D34d, F00."
If someone wants to take this and run with it, be my guest. I do, however, reserve the right to use it myself some day.
-W, who has way too much time to think."Ah, great. More androids." "We're not androids, we're the Knight Sabers!" "Huh. Frederick's of Hollywood has a line of power armor out. Who knew?"Falling out of aeroplanes and hiding out in holes

Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home

Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head

Now everybody dancing the dance of the dead

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