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Fic search: AU Superman in something like our world
Fic search: AU Superman in something like our world
I'm trying to track down a fic I read (and reread, and rereread) sometime within the last few years. I was quite sure it was in one section or another of my local watch-list files, but I've scanned through those and haven't been able to find it.

The only way I can describe the fic is to outline its plot in some detail, which is unavoidably spoily.

The essential premise of the fic is that a Clark Kent from a universe where he never had the "spark" event (saving the crashing plane in Metropolis) which prompted the creation of the identity/character/role known as "Superman" slips through a dimensional rift - in the wake of a passenger airplane - and winds up in something closely resembling our own universe, sometime within the past decade. The plane and its passengers get nabbed by the Feds (for flying unidentified in DC airspace, post-9/11), and Clark - out on his own - starts trying to figure out what's going on.

In that universe, there is a person named Lois Lane, who curses her parents' sense of humor in naming her - and for whom it's made that much worse by the fact that she really did wind up going into journalism, and excelling well enough for her namesake. Of course, she and Clark wind up running into one another, and (eventually) joining forces.

The plotline of the fic basically covers the (somewhat reluctant, for all the right reasons) development and/or transformation of Clark Kent into the Superman he reads about, with a side ("overt") plot of trying to figure out how he and the plane got there and how they can get back to their own universe - and how to get the government to let it happen.
I could give specific details, but this is spoily enough as it is.

Does that ring any bells for anyone?
Of course, it isĀ Veritas
Yep. The one and only. Also availible from and another site I can't remember off-hand.
Based on the Lois and Clarke continuity.
Yep, that's the one - and it is in one of my watch files, but managed to repeatedly slip under my notice as something which could even potentially be what I was looking for.


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