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After learning about "The Gamer"...
10-24-2014, 09:09 PM
... and following The Games We Play for last couple weeks, I've gotten to wondering... does anyone know if there's been a Harry Potter/The Gamer crossover written yet?
Oh, and I have a great idea for a Ranma/The Gamer crossover -- that canon Ranma already is a Ranma/The Gamer crossover.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I've been looking for gamer crossovers, and haven't foound anything valid as an HP/Gamer cross.
Myself, I'm planning a Pokemon/Gamer cross.
-People may die, but ideas are forever. Je suis Charlie.
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Well written crossovers for it are usually pretty good and ones where more time is spent on going out and doing things, but grinding stats and skills is always the most boring and thankless part of RPGs and reading about someone else doing it isn't very interesting either. The manhwa just infuriates me with Jee-Han's idiocy until I'm literally screaming at the screen, "WISDOM, MOTHERFUCKER! DO YOU HAVE IT? NO! NO! NO YOU DO NOT!"
Yeah, yeah, I know, "Teenager makes unwise decision! We'll have a feature on this shocking story at 11, and bring you more details as soon as they become available!" Still true, the more so because he openly scorns balanced characters in favor of utmost min-maxing, while I agree with Heinlein by way of Lazarus Long, that the strength of humans is in being adaptable generalists.
The general premise is interesting enough, as an RPG player, but the precise system and modeling it on the grindiest of MMO games... well, let's just say that all that grinding leads to chafing.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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Quote:ClassicDrogn wrote: ...Still true, the more so because he openly scorns balanced characters in favor of utmost min-maxing, while I agree with Heinlein by way of Lazarus Long, that the strength of humans is in being adaptable generalists.
A few months back I noticed some interesting stories that were either self inserts where the ROB puts the SI under RPG rules, or a few where it's RPG character from a setting where people are aware of the RPG mechanics. My inner need to try finding an unlikely/unusual take on something lead me to come up with something for which I have an opening scene (probably to be dropped if I ever continue it), in which a character under Golden Sky Stories rules gets dropped into early Buffyverse. I liked the cruelty of that, taking a character whose rules system penalizes you for resorting to violence and putting them in Sunnydale. (Although a few of his henge powers are handy ones for someone stuck in a horror setting)
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I haven't seen any crossovers that were specifically Harry Potter/ The Gamer, although I have seen a few where Harry has video game character abilities. The most recent is The Adventures of Harry Potter, The Video Game: Exploited ( ... -Exploited). There is also Harry Potter: Game of the Year Edition ( ... ar-Edition), but that hasn't updated in almost a year.
"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
I've seen exactly one actual crossover between 'The Gamer' and anything, that was one where he Han got good enough that he could lend people his power. Someone apparently bribed him into granting it to Naruto before he graduates the Academy for lulz. Its short so far and Han is camped out in Naruto's apartment playing advisor.
Barring that I've only seen a single quest on Spacebattles that gave the Gamer power to Minato from Sekerie and gave the option to be the reincarnation of Han, Krillan or the chosen option of Minato from Naruto. Everything else has been giving the ability t someone else. Strangely, no one seem have made Ranma the Gamer yet... maybe the actual min-maxing like Han only stupid high wisdom and relatively dump stating intelligence is too logical. That or I've got to actually sift through's archives as its been mislabeled.
Herr Bad Moon
ClassicDrogn Wrote:Well written crossovers for it are usually pretty good and ones where more time is spent on going out and doing things, but grinding stats and skills is always the most boring and thankless part of RPGs and reading about someone else doing it isn't very interesting either. The manhwa just infuriates me with Jee-Han's idiocy until I'm literally screaming at the screen, "WISDOM, MOTHERFUCKER! DO YOU HAVE IT? NO! NO! NO YOU DO NOT!"
Yeah, yeah, I know, "Teenager makes unwise decision! We'll have a feature on this shocking story at 11, and bring you more details as soon as they become available!" Still true, the more so because he openly scorns balanced characters in favor of utmost min-maxing, while I agree with Heinlein by way of Lazarus Long, that the strength of humans is in being adaptable generalists.
The general premise is interesting enough, as an RPG player, but the precise system and modeling it on the grindiest of MMO games... well, let's just say that all that grinding leads to chafing.
A unwise teen unwisely does not put stats in wisdom, does not get wiser, then further uses wisdom as a dump stat.
The one Harry Potter Gamer fic I read had Harry spend literal decades in the "tutorial" section, which was his life pre Hogwarts. He spent months simply jumping around so he could level his jump skill so he never would take a stamina hit for walking places. I stopped reading after that because what the shit?
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
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@Lilfluff - I remember you talking about that, a while back - I think it sounds interesting too, though I have no idea how you'd actually go about it IC. I've been puttering around with a moderately house-ruled (xp costs for improving skills changed, costs for improving stats set instead of being gm fiat or nothin', a few new psi skills and mecha systems, a new TECH substat called Spark that interacts with most TECH and INT skills in ways anyone familiar with Girl Genius should be able to guess, though lacking the mind control-y aspects) Mekton SI for a little while now, with a character generation "episode minus one" fairly well complete, then getting tossed into the Mekton Wars I: Invasion Terra campaign with the scripted-to-lose prologue as "episode zero: tutorial level" and a few notes on what to do if I ever get through all thirty-something scenarios plus bridging episodes/interstitial adventures.
(Basically, the love interest says, "Computer, save and end program," at the end of the epilogue scene, and everything but SI turns out to have been a Star Trek holonovel, with SI now real becasue lolQ or whatever. And still operating by Mekton rules, despite now being in Trek, where the ship construction system (ala FASA's Starship Tactical Combat game) is both far less versatile and rather more expensive. Most likely in Voyager, because no one cares if you murder that series.)
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows