There has been a heresy of the darkest order, one that even the Inquisition has not been able to halt.
After more than a year of anticicipation, the Black Industries (part of the Black Library, part of Games Workshop) released Dark Heresy, the first volume (of a
promised three) of the new Warhammer 40K roleplaying game line.
It sold like hotcakes. As if it were going out of fashion. It sold OUT. That was wednesday 23rd.
Wednesday 30th, the Black Library shut down Black Industries and declared the line would have 'some online support' for the immediate future.
WTF? Okay, I realise that they presumably have some business based reasons for this (focusing on the novels, it would seem). But I've seen those novels,
shelf after shelf at Borders, shifting a few a day. Dark Heresy was a license to print money. And they killed it!
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
After more than a year of anticicipation, the Black Industries (part of the Black Library, part of Games Workshop) released Dark Heresy, the first volume (of a
promised three) of the new Warhammer 40K roleplaying game line.
It sold like hotcakes. As if it were going out of fashion. It sold OUT. That was wednesday 23rd.
Wednesday 30th, the Black Library shut down Black Industries and declared the line would have 'some online support' for the immediate future.
WTF? Okay, I realise that they presumably have some business based reasons for this (focusing on the novels, it would seem). But I've seen those novels,
shelf after shelf at Borders, shifting a few a day. Dark Heresy was a license to print money. And they killed it!
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.