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Mobile device browsing experience
Mobile device browsing experience
Does anyone have any expertise to share on the mobile browser market? I've recently acquired a Wireless-capable PDA and I find that PocketIE by itself does
not properly display websites such as FFNet.

Opera Mobile seems to be in the running, and another source claims MS Powertoys for Pocket IE includes the necessary kit, but I'd like to see if anyone
else has had any experience with it.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
For mobile browsing, in my experience the iPhone (meaning, Safari, I think) is by far the best. Which is sad, because I can afford neither an iPhone nor the
necessary service plan to go with it. I've been thoroughly impressed by a friend's toy, on the few occasions I manage to abscond with it and play. Smile

For Windows-based devices, I've been repeatedly disappointed by the various flavors of IE (hardly surprising) over the years, but I'm told that the
newest incarnation of Windows Mobile, which my device does not support, does a much better job of it. I can't speak directly, but my boss -- who is as
much a geek as I -- likes it and uses it regularly. His is the smartphone edition, but I don't think that matters much except for the screen real estate
-- and since he IS impressed with it, I can only surmise that it would do even better with a larger screen, which most devices have.

Finally, I can testify from personal experience that the PSP browser is quick and responsive, but doesn't handle graphical elements very well. I don't
know what browser it IS, however, just that it's the one bundled with it. Webcomics in particular seem to break it pretty thoroughly, but it handles
forums and mainly-text sites remarkably well. Typing on it is a royal pain in the ass, though -- that's the fault of the device, not the browser, but

Edit: I just realized I may have misread your post, but my points still stand. If one can GET Safari for a Windows Mobile device, I'd recommend it first,
just based on the iPhone experience. Other than that, my device is old enough that nothing except PocketIE supports it, and thus, I'm hosed. Smile

--"Listening to your kid is the audio equivalent of a Salvador Dali painting, Spud." --OpMegs
My new device is - as mentioned in the XMas Loot thread - an iPaq 211. I'm planning on adding a 16-gig SD chip for storage space, so memory isn't a
huge issue, but I am seriously considering Opera Mobile at this point.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Whee for guest wireless access. Just downloaded and installed Opera Mobile, it looks like it fits my needs.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
I own a Palm Pre, with Sprint. The mobile web experience is pretty decent on it, for the most part. Your other option, aside from the iPhone, is one of the
Android phones. I guess the Motorola Droid is the big one there.
Quote: paladindythe wrote:

I own a Palm Pre, with Sprint. The mobile web experience is pretty decent on it, for the most part. Your other option, aside from the iPhone, is one of the
Android phones. I guess the Motorola Droid is the big one there.

Let me be blunt: I'm not asking for recommended devices. I have a device. I want a specific browser software to install on it. That's all. Hardware
recommendations, especially phones, will be laughed at. Any device recommended with a screen smaller than four inches will be giggled, snickered, and guffawed
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

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