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Bioware is forgiven. FOR EVERYTHING.
Bioware is forgiven. FOR EVERYTHING.
They're making a new Ultima game.


Anyone needs me, I'ma gonna be over here going Squee for the next few weeks.
Bio... Ult... wha... buh weeble goo zort narf
Sorry to bring a dose of reality to this, but judging from the way new versions of old franchises have been going, our odds aren't that good.
I expect Ultima-in-name-only, Ultima IX-2, Baby's First Ultima (for Kids and Consoles!), or something equally offensive.  Remember- EA owns them, and their last two games were ME3 and DA2- bad at worst, and controversial at best.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Y'know what, they cannot do worse than or even equal to 8 and 9 without actually having that as their stated goal.  I'd be happy for something with the story quality of UW2 or Martian Dreams, and that seems eminently achievable.
"I weave a lethal net of baked goods that few can escape."
EA will make it into Ultima Call of Duty. That's what they do. There is no Bioware, only Zuul...
And what a lovely singing voice you have there...
*has been watching The Spoony ones Ultima Retrospect* As long as it's isn't 8, 9 or Online, I'm interested.

Yeah, see, I understand all your points, but... New Ultima Game.

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