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utility: Mystery of the Lost Sock by "Everyday Warriors" (AI Tunes)
utility: Mystery of the Lost Sock by "Everyday Warriors" (AI Tunes)


Effect: general buff and hastening of Laundry Day chores to complete them within the play time of the song, also repairing damage and restoring any partial pairs or sets with lost members. Everything comes out of Doug's laundry basket warm and just at that perfect point of broken in without actually getting worn and threadbare. He must have appropriate facilities and supplies (at the minimum, a bit of soap while beside a "clean enough" water source, and some kind of line or object to hang things up to dry on) but as far as can be told after finishing they have not actually been used, or consumables (detergent, bleach, etc.) depleted. The laundry area (within Doug's AoE at least) will even be a bit tidied up of any messes or minor issues of the sort that can be addressed with normal cleaning and hand tools while waiting for those parts of the process that don't need active effort with the available facilities.

It's not an earth shaking combat ability, but very handy when he arrives in a less developed world, and there are, as ever, possible situations where it becomes the exact tool he needs in a critical moment.

... actually, has Doug ever gotten the chance to play Fairy Godmother, like the literal bippity-boppity-boo "save the day with household magic" kind of deal? Seems like the kind of thing he'd be deeply amused by.
‎noli esse culus
RE: utility: Mystery of the Lost Sock by "Everyday Warriors" (AI Tunes)
Hmmmmm... It would require a slight re-write, but Doug could wash his socks (by night) during this story... Smile
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

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