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Heroing is Magic.
Heroing is Magic.
Atlas Park.

Lyra Harpsichord layed on the couch, channel surfing when the door to the apartment slammed open, standing there her new roommate Trixie Lulamoon, looking very worse for wear.

"Sooo." Lyra asked, muting the TV. "How was the first day of heroing?"

Trixie stomped to the couch, threw her self on it and screamed into a pillow.

"That bad huh?"

Trixie raised her head. "First, a sewer full of nastiness, then the Rikti War Zone where, big surprise, psionic aliens are immune to illusions, then I helped fight I giant octopus that felt like kicking a puppy and finally on Perigin Island, spending most my time on the ground, getting stepped on." The blue haired woman ranted.

Lyra gingerly patted her back. "So an eventful first day?"

Trixie screamed into the pillow again. "Sweet Celestia's hindquarters, you do this for fun?"

Lyra shrugs. "Well, yeah.... But you are still adjusting, remember, last week you where a pastel unicorn, like Bon bon and I was."

Trixie grumped, it was true, she was originally a pony from Equestria, she had fallen through a portal and ended up human... With tail, in Paragon and it was a big change, anatomy alone was something she was still getting used to... That and diet, her new human body enjoyed meat, something she never would of eaten back home.

Trixie wrinkled her nose. "You wife is not a unicorn, she is a changing, there is a difference."

Lyra sighed, her wife's species had been a point of contention, but Lyra had to help any pony that fell through that portal.... Even if a few had gone bad, like that crazy Pinkie Pie or the Vampire Fluttershy. "Look, the fact my wife is a big woman is not something we need to talk about.... Again, you just need some more heroing experience under your belt.... Or maybe you can do some magic shows?"

The mage sighs, adjusting her purple hat. "Maybe... I'm taking a shower." She gets up, stripping as she went.

Lyra calls out. "Hey, we don't do that in the loungeroom." 

She sighs and picks up Trixie's discarded clothes, taking them to the washing hamper and throwing them in, she still needed to teach the former pony about some things before she was ready to live on her own.
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: Heroing is Magic.
Lyra watched as Trixie bid the delivery woman good bye, a pile of boxes between the two, the blue haired woman turning around. "Why does our mail person look like Ditzy Doo?" She asked.

Lyra shrugged. "One of the strangitys of the multiverse... But more importantly, what in Nightmare Moons name is all this?" She waves at the boxes.

Trixie stepled her fingers. "So, I was chatting to people in the D."

Lyra facepalms. "Nothing good starts with the D."

The mage pouted. "No this is for real, to supplement my income and my share of the rent, I'm going to start streaming!"

Lyra blinks. "You are going only fans? In my house?"

"What? No! I'm going to stream magic shows! Show the internet the wonders of magic." She grins widely.

"So all this is?" Lyra gently poked a box with her foot.

"My streaming gear, I need a PC, web cam, mic, mixer board, recording software and hardwear.... I may miss rent this week, but trust me, this will make so much money!"


Bonbon and Lyra where on the couch, hearing muffled shouting coming from Trixie's room.

"Do I want to know?" Bonbon asked.

Lyra sighs. "Someone is finding out the hard way that streaming is not as easy as people make it sound."
Neph: I wanna fight!
RE: Heroing is Magic.
Lyra listened on the phone, her face serious. "Thank you officer, I'll keep an eye out, good bye."

Bonbon leaned on the kitchen counter. "What was that about, you look like somepony died."

Lyra sighed. "Remember that insane Pinky from a few years back? The one that carved me up like a turkey? Well that was the PPD, apparently she got out during the latest Arachnid raid if the Zig."

Bonbon stepped around and hugged her wife. "Isn't she the one that... You know.... Ate people?"

Lyra nodded. "Yeah, portal corp went to her home dimension and found a slaughter house, she is dangerous."

"You think she holds a grudge?"

"Well, if she does... I'm a lot tougher then when I last fought her, I was green, new, but if she comes for us, I'll put her back in the Zig."

Rogue Isles.
Mercy Island.

Pinky sighed, she was lucky to find an apartment with power and running water... Putty about the squatter, he put up but if a fight, but was easy dealt with.

She stepped under the shower head, enjoying the warm water as it washed blood from her ample frame, so much better than the Zig, back there they chain her to a wall and hose her down... Well she might if eaten a guards ear, but it was really dehumanislng.... Wait, was she human? She was a pony once, eight? Ten years ago, she couldn't quite remember after all the blood.

Finishing up, she stepped out and grabbed a towel, wrapping ing it around her waist as she made it back into the main room, stepping over the corpse of the previous squatter as she made it to the kitchenette, rumaging amoung the shelves for something to eat, her stomach grumbling.... She looked at the body and smiled, she just cleaned up, but it be a waste of good meat....

Getting her knives, she approached the body, waste not after all as she started slicing.
Neph: I wanna fight!

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