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Vatican Project Blue Book
Vatican Project Blue Book
Not content with proclaiming that if aliens existed, they would have souls, the Vatican Astronomer has now proclaimed that it is in fact possible, and not
contradictory to scripture, for aliens to exist.

Quote: The Pope's chief astronomer says that life on Mars cannot be ruled out.

Writing in the Vatican newspaper, the astronomer, Father Gabriel Funes, said intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space.

Father Funes, director of the Vatican Observatory near Rome, is a respected scientist who collaborates with universities around the world.

The search for forms of extraterrestrial life, he says, does not contradict belief in God.

The official Vatican newspaper headlines his article 'Aliens Are My Brother'.

'Free from sin'

Just as there are multiple forms of life on earth, so there could exist intelligent beings in outer space created by God. And some aliens could even be
free from original sin, he speculates.

Asked about the Catholic Church's condemnation four centuries ago of the Italian astronomer and physicist, Galileo, Father Funes diplomatically says
mistakes were made, but it is time to turn the page and look towards the future.

Science and religion need each other, and many astronomers believe in God, he assures readers.

To strengthen its scientific credentials, the Vatican is organising a conference next year to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of the author of the
Origin of Species, Charles Darwin.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
In other words, they want to inject their poisonous doctrine into the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Just as they pay lip service to supporting the
Theory of Evolution, but actually talk about theistic evolution, which postulates that their imaginary friend has his greasy fingers in the interaction between
mutation and natural selection. They know that their bronze age myths are being left behind and want to appear to be current, while still embracing the
parochial, narrow-minded, god of Abraham.

Do these collected heads of knuckle actually think about these things before posting them? (The Vatican, not ECS)

If you ask a chicken how it wants to be stuffed, it will say (assuming of course you can find a talking chicken) with meal worms and corn; not bread, sage and
crumbled bacon.

Likewise if you ask a vatican scientist if Science and Religion need each other, the answer will be quite obvious. Theism and Science are incompatible, unless
you have a mechanism for detecting and measuring action of the imaginary friend. No such mechanism exists for detecting the god of Abraham, Bert the Magic
Penguin, Shiva, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Pink Unicorns, or the Invisible Garage Dragon - all of whom lay claim to creation of the universe and everything
in it.

Take a look at the history of the Vatican in regards to the support of 'dangerous' scientific theories (those that fly in the face of accepted dogma)
you will see a sick history of suppression; denial, and gruding acceptance.
... wow. I am utterly speechless in the face of your vitriol, "Rev" dark.

Thanks for sharing your hate with us.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
You're welcome
It is all part of the service.

Perhaps the next time that one of these fellows stands up in front of a crowd and proclaims with the authority behind them that condoms are ineffective in
preventing aids; you can laugh off their deliberate, murderous, intent with a smile and a wave. Cardinal Trujillo's oft repeated bunkum about condoms being
ineffective in preventing the transmission of HIV is a nice example of this.

Perhaps you could recall the words of Archbishop of Maputo and proclaim that there are countries in Europe making condoms with the virus on purpose.

Perhaps you could stand shoulder to shoulder with them as they deliberately block HPV vaccinations; or shuffle known paedophile priests around to different
congregations rather than approach the problem head on and remove them from the priesthood. When Jesus supposedly said, suffer the little children, come onto
me; well the meaning was supposed to be in a very different context.

As to the godly claim to alien (or any) creation. First prove there is a god, then and only then can you start attributing their actions to observable

Other than that, it is just bullshit.


The Reverend Shayne Dark

PS: If you want to continue this, we better move it to the wilder portion of the forum.
Quote: Rev Dark wrote:

It is all part of the service.

Perhaps the next time that one of these fellows stands up in front of a crowd and proclaims with the authority behind them that condoms are ineffective in
preventing aids; you can laugh off their deliberate, murderous, intent with a smile and a wave. Cardinal Trujillo's oft repeated bunkum about condoms
being ineffective in preventing the transmission of HIV is a nice example of this.

Perhaps you could recall the words of Archbishop of Maputo and proclaim that there are countries in Europe making condoms with the virus on purpose.

Perhaps you could stand shoulder to shoulder with them as they deliberately block HPV vaccinations; or shuffle known paedophile priests around to different
congregations rather than approach the problem head on and remove them from the priesthood. When Jesus supposedly said, suffer the little children, come onto
me; well the meaning was supposed to be in a very different context.

As to the godly claim to alien (or any) creation. First prove there is a god, then and only then can you start attributing their actions to observable

Other than that, it is just bullshit.


The Reverend Shayne Dark

PS: If you want to continue this, we better move it to the wilder portion of the forum.

There is no coincidence, only necessity....
- Clow Reed
Quote: Thanks for sharing your hate with us.
Be glad he didn't post this link (May be NSFW, definitely
IS not "politically correct")
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
The real surprise is that Pope Adolf I let Funes get away with saying such things in a public forum. Benedict has demonstrated himself to be the
reactionary's reactionary when it comes to Church doctrine, and seems to be trying to revert anything that developed as a result of Vatican II. Little
Green Men wasn't a traditional part of Church concerns back in the days of Benedict's childhood in the Hitler Youth.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Revdark, I don't know if I can put this in a way that's gonna come across as non-confrontational or potentially offensive, so I'll say up-front
that that is not my intent, and plunge ahead.

Your burning hatred of religion disturbs me. I don't think it's healthy. For you, I mean. The kind of vitriol that comes from you whenever religion is
mentioned is astounding. (It may be sheer coincidence, but I seem to notice more of it in reference to the Catholic church then others. But I could be wrong,

Did something happen to you personally to make you hate religion this much? I mean, if you don't want to
talk about it, that's fine. I'm probably prying too much as it is.

But when I say it doesn't seem healthy, I really do mean it.

Don't get me wrong, I have my own issues with the various religions of the world. For example, I've tried to give Islam the benefit of the doubt and
learn more about it since 9-11, but the more I find out, the less respect I have for it. That whole "submission to God" thing REALLY gets my hackles
raised. SO many ways that can be used for evil. And we've seen concrete proof of it so many times in recent years. And on the Christian side, I think a lot
of what has been going on in the Vatican of late is downright self-destructive and stupid, if not outright corrupt. But that seems more the fault of men than
the philosophy.

But I don't think my distrust of Islam has reached the level of outright hatred of ALL religion that I see when I read your words. Whenever you hear
something that men have done that has been stupid or evil in the name of a religion, you seem to automatically equate that with the religion and the philosophy
itself. Then again, maybe you're just better at snark then I am and I'm reading too much into it.
Quote: Logan Darklighter wrote:

Your burning hatred of religion disturbs me. I don't think it's healthy. For you, I mean. The kind of vitriol that comes from you whenever religion
is mentioned is astounding. (It may be sheer coincidence, but I seem to notice more of it in reference to the Catholic church then others. But I could be
wrong, there.)
Gotta agree with Logan on this. Like I said... it's clear that it's more than disbelief or dislike for you, it's active "it must
die" hatred.

Quote: Don't get me wrong, I have my own issues with the various religions of the world. For example, I've tried to give Islam the benefit of the doubt and
learn more about it since 9-11, but the more I find out, the less respect I have for it. That whole "submission to God" thing REALLY gets my
hackles raised. SO many ways that can be used for evil. And we've seen concrete proof of it so many times in recent years. And on the Christian side, I
think a lot of what has been going on in the Vatican of late is downright self-destructive and stupid, if not outright corrupt. But that seems more the fault
of men than the philosophy.

And this is certainly true. If you want a religion worthy of utter hatred and contempt, especially one truly and wholeheartedly guilty of everything you
blame Christianity for, Islam is it.

The more I read and learn about it, the more disturbed I am.

The more I read and hear in the news about people changing their ways to cater to the prejudices of Islamic minorities, the more terrified I am.

Because these people really ARE religious fanatics who are out to take over the world, impose utter theocratic patriarchy, enslave women, force you to bow to
their god, and torture you to death if you object.

If I could choose one person to erase from history, it wouldn't be Hitler, it would be Mohammed.
(After all... we beat Hitler.)
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
requesting thread move.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Guys, just drop it, okay.

Or, as I've put it...

"The pin has been pulled. Mr. Grenade is NO LONGER YOUR FRIEND!!!!"
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Quote: Epsilon wrote:

Guys, just drop it, okay.


Okay, dropped. (Unless thread moved, which also sounds like a good idea.)
Moving thread.

I was considering it all the way back when I added my first reply anyway.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Hate? No. Outright Mockery, yes!
(I advised moving it on my first response.)

Hate is probably too strong a word. Disdain is more accurate, combined with out and out mockery.

I am a happy, educated, well rounded individual, well versed in science, literature and yes, even religious history. I was raised Anglican, and no abuse was
offered to me at church. If you are looking for a Hannibal Lecter moment where this otherwise erudite person descends into an unhealthy, psychotic, madness,
flecked with murder and recipes that would earns a heartfelt utterance of 'motherfucker' from Gordon Ramsay, you will not find it.

Religions are fun things, everyone should create one or two, and they do. As has been demonstrated throughout history. Some die quickly, others fall upon a
receptive audience and flourish. In all cases they fracture, spitting out festive variation like a child with a mouthful of watermellon spits out pips. You
would think that a theist god (one that actively fucks with the universe, answer prayers, performs miracles, etc.) would exercise a little quality control.

It is belief without evidence that is dangerous; and no more so when coupled with a child-like adherence to a particular set of bronze age myths. You can see
this every day. You see it in the mysoginist rantings of Islam (or the Southern Baptist convention for that matter) that declares penile primacy. You can
see it in the dangerous bumwipery of Jehovah's Witness douches who would rather see their children die than see them recieve a blood transfusion. All of
this because a few bronze age scribblings have been interpreted in clearly bat-shit nuts ways. You see it when the Intelligent Design movement tries to claim
special priveledge to insert their creationist twattery (and the Dover trial rather conclusively proved that it is just creationism rebranded) into science
classes, without going through any of the hurdles that actual science must to be accepted.

When a pope, imam, rabbi, or even reverend says something, it is immediately given a certain status, even if it is, demonstratably bug-fuck nuts. We do not
offer this acceptance of discourse on any other subject. When Falwell and Robertson tossed each other off to the actual causes of 9/11 and the flooding of New
Orleans, their opinions were broadcast worldwide, and not under the heading of 'comedy' or arsebag raving of the day.

If your barber suddenly claimed that hair growth is the result of scalp goblins carefully watering each follicle with their sparkling, asparagus tainted
urine; you would heartily disagee (provided he was not shaving your throat with a old fashioned razor at the time.)

Yet when the Vatican astronomer says that his parochial, bronze-age god is responsible for the creation of any alien life that might happen to exist; this is
somehow different? It is no less crazy. It is no more proveable that the goblins and their spewing corkscrew-cocks (the goblins are invisible and hide when
you go looking for them, with their big feet they can move in mysterious ways - how do we know they have big feet? It says so in the book they inspired.)

First you have to demonstrate that your god exists; unless you can do that, you cannot attribute any actions to him/her/it.


The Reverend Shayne Dark
Quote: ECSNorway wrote:

And this is certainly true. If you want a religion worthy of utter hatred and contempt, especially one truly and wholeheartedly guilty of everything you
blame Christianity for, Islam is it.

Oh boy. Somehow I'm not shocked.

Quote: Because these people really ARE religious fanatics who are out to take over the world, impose utter theocratic patriarchy, enslave women, force you to bow to
their god, and torture you to death if you object.

"These people". These people! These monolithic over one billion people! Shit, I better start looking out for all those Musselmen who live in my
apartment building. Sure, they're there going out with their kids to the pool and cooking dinner and going shopping and watching TV and all that stuff like
they're real human beings, but I know NOW that they're here to impose utter theocratic patriarchy, enslave women and torture me to death! That's
what they want, after all! They're "these people"!


If I could choose one person to erase from history, it wouldn't be Hitler, it would be Mohammed.(After all... we beat Hitler.)

We beat Hitler, huh? Too bad nobody learned a lesson from him. He also had some things to say about "those people", that monolithic block of
alike-thinking others, and what they wanted to do to our cherished, civilised way of life.
Perhaps he intends to only refer to the ones who *are* out to take over the world, impose utter theocratic patriarchy, enslave women, force you to bow to their
god, and torture you to death if you object?

Mind you, it's not something Islam has had a monopoly on. (See, for instance, the Crusades.)

At present though, Islam does seem to be disturbingly effective at producing suicide bombers.

Quote: Morganni wrote:

Perhaps he intends to only refer to the ones who *are* out to take over the world, impose utter theocratic patriarchy, enslave women, force you to bow to
their god, and torture you to death if you object?
Perhaps, but that isn't what he said. Maybe he would like to clarify.

And who are those ones, exactly?

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