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Aegis Sanctuary...
Aegis Sanctuary...
...has returned to Paragon. Evangelia had email from her when I went in last night -- email that had been written a spare couple hours earlier. It's almost as though kicking her out of the group made her reappear.
Anyway long story short, Aegis wants back in. I'm cool with that, and intend on inviting her next time we're both on together. However, if someone with invite privileged sees her before I do and brings her back in, I won't be offended.
She's not getting her old leader slot, though -- I'll promote her back up to Commander, but no higher.
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Re: Aegis Sanctuary...
Didn't want to post this in the other thread regarding Lady Valiance, but...we may not need to kick anyone to reinvite Aegis.
That's cause I just removed one of my own alts, Mirrorshard Isis, from the SG. Felt guilty about taking up the slot, since I don't play her enough to justify it...I'm active enough with Syndesis, Superball, and Space Mage, but not Isis.
-- Acyl
Re: Aegis Sanctuary...
I figured even beforehand that we probably had a slot or two already open, but this just makes it certain. As for Lady Valiannce, well, I went looking for candidates to kick, and she qualified. I'd've posted the other thread even without Aegis' reappearance.
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...
Re: Aegis Sanctuary...
And...I ran into Aegis about an hour ago. She's back in the SG. =)
-- Acyl
Re: Aegis Sanctuary...
And I forgot to say "thanks" earlier, Acyl, so I'll say it now.
We just need to get her promoted up to Commander. Anyone who runs into her who can promote her, please do, to whatever level you can manage. Thanks!
-- Bob
...The President is on the line
As ninety-nine crab rangoons go by...

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