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Minor songs
Minor songs
Obviously Doug would have to run across these during one of his steps -- they're too new otherwise. But one of them surely has to be sufficient to give him the ability to create duct tape out of thin air. Perhaps it's not the best song for superheroing, but it surely would have its uses.
We've already seen an application of Paul Simon's "Kodachrome." And if Doug found himself barefoot at one end of a blacktop parking lot in the summer, he might want to use Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made For Walking." Passage on trains, planes, etc. could probably be had -- for someone else -- via The Beatles' "Ticket to Ride." Should home renovations be in order, there's "I Am Downright Amazed What I Can Destroy with Just a Hammer" by Atom and His Package. Formal wear for a few minutes could be had with ZZ Top's "Sharp Dressed Man." (though that one will result in a lot of attention given the lyrics)
Unfortunately The Smith's "There is a Light That Never Goes Out," Coldplay's "Clocks," Pink Floyd's "Have a Cigar," and Paul Simon's "Slip Sliding Away" all have somewhat misleading titles, and probably wouldn't be very useful.
Re: Minor songs
I'm going to have to download these now, you realize...
But one of them surely has to be sufficient to give him the ability to create duct tape out of thin air.
Why do I suddenly see him producing the stuff like Spiderman shooting webs? "Duct Tape Man, Duct Tape Man, Does whatever some duct tape can..." Hm. Can't be any weirder really than "The Chain"...
Formal wear for a few minutes could be had with ZZ Top's "Sharp Dressed Man."
This one's already set aside for use in the Sailor Moon Step...
Some delightfully bizarre ideas here, Captain! Thanks!

-- Bob
And all the girlies say I'm pretty dry for a wet guy...
Re: Minor songs
I'm going to have to download these now, you realize...
The scary part is how many entries there were -- that page is just the winners. Plus there's the 2002 contest.
Why do I suddenly see him producing the stuff like Spiderman shooting webs? "Duct Tape Man, Duct Tape Man, Does whatever some duct tape can..." Hm. Can't be any weirder really than "The Chain"...
Feh. I was thinking that he just ended up with a roll or two. If you want Spider-Man shooting webs, then why not use the Ramones' cover of the Spider-Man theme? It's great. Or as an alternative involving swinging, Baltimora's "Tarzan Boy." (which inevitably leads to the question of what the hell the vines are attached to if Doug uses this in, say, an open field)
One more -- if Doug finds he can't do some math in his head, he can always use Kraftwerk's "Pocket Calculator."
Incidentally, have you ever heard Stephen Lynch's "Superhero" song? You should check it out if not.

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