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Crossovers that Should not be: Welcome to the next level.
Not really a CTSNB, more of a badwrongfic in general.

Ever wonder if there was vampire romance fic more awful, more pretentious, and more sappy and inane than Twilight?

There is.

Zoey (note the pretenterminal 'y') has been 'marked' by the Goddess of Night to become a Vampyre (note the 'y' again). Which means she gets hunted down by an enforcer in the middle of the school day and dragged off to be transferred to Vampyre School. Because vampyres are the Cool People, and everybody loves them. All the best movie stars and politicians are vamps. Of course, once she gets there, she finds out that even in the Cool People World there's still a social hierarchy, and the current top layer makes Cordelia Chase look like the embodiment of peace and understanding. So she needs to, y'know, prove she's cooler than they are, and she proceeds to do so, in the usual way: by being Gifted by the Goddess with Kewl Powerz.

Oh, and she gets a hunky boyfriend along the way, too.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
A gifted fighter, determined to be the best, the Stallion runs afoul of a magic spring in the mountains of China while on a training mission. Returning to his
homeland, the macho young man must deal with his curse in ... Rocky 1/2. 8P
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin

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