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A couple of fragments
A couple of fragments
They're not actually fanfiction, as such, but they are prose fiction, so here they are anyway. Feel frree to use them straight or revise them to fit in a character's mouth if you have a place for them to fit, it's why they're here, just try to rmemeber to tell me about it so I can read what you make of it.


"While I was lying there, waiting to heal, I had nothing to do but think... I wondered, what if they thought I'm already dead, and left? But knowing you guys, even a little, I realized that was impossible. Then I thought, what if they tried to climb after me, and fell to their deaths? I'd have to tell XXX's bratty brother, and the rest of your families... but I realized I don't even know who that might be. So I decided, I should get to know everyone better, not just the best ways to fight together. Because even if you all live to die of old age surrounded by fat great-grandbabies, eventually all that will be left is memories, and I want to remember more than the way XXXX drops her left shoulder when she commits to a lunge, or how YYYY always makes a bunch of clones at the beginning of a battle to hide around the edges and make sneak attacks. Those kind of memories... they're empty after a while."


It wasn't until I saw the terror in her eyes that I stopped, and realise just what my life had become. Had I really begun as a pampered girl in a fancy dress like this? Then I saw the spark hiding in the back of her eyes, the self-disgust as being so weak and terrifed, and I knew. Yes, I had, and now I had found the next Pirate Queen, the one who would captain the Iron Rose after me.

With a little toughening up first, of course.

"Put the ropes away, boys, this one's for the crew berths, not the hostage cabin," I ordered, and the way that spark blazed into anger, the way she sputtered in outrage at the suggestion that her family would be unwilling or unable to pay a ronsom rather than collapsing in in fear and pleading wa all the confirmation I needed. "Oh, don't worry, you'll not be sharing some seaman's bunk," I assured her. I run a taut airship, and I'll have no man aboard who would take would should only be given. "Not at the same time, at any rate, and I guarantee you'll be too tired to care that someone else was just rousted out of the bunk by the time your watch ends for months. Of course, if you can't take the exertions, you're free to become the plaything of anyone you choose..."

I'm still watching her eyes, and I can see that challenge take hold... actually see the idea of protesting about the wealth that's obvious in the clothes and jewels she's wearing being enough to pay a pretty daughter's ransom, discarded in favor of showing her who can't take it and play along until I get a chance, then rescue myself.

And if the grin that spreads across my face is more frightening than reassuring, that just means she has good judgment, because I'm Black Jack Jannie, Terror of the Skies, and my only enemies that aren't dead are kings and admirals.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

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