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My Seventh Plotpony Thread: Friendship is Sufficiently Advanced.
My Seventh Plotpony Thread: Friendship is Sufficiently Advanced.

Ok, I've stunned them. set them up for Tag and Release.
Reality Check, also known as R. H. Junior, has moved all of his MLP;FIM stories to AO3.
The Great Alicorn Hunt is up to Chapter 45.
I also recommend Starting Over Again by Reality Check.

This is one of the stories he wrote in response to another story which then stirred up enough controversy to prompt his move to AO3. However, it's fantastic.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
A few following I have, with updates: ... g-melodies ... in-fashion
Quote:Manytales00 wrote:
Reality Check, also known as R. H. Junior, has moved all of his MLP;FIM stories to AO3.The Great Alicorn Hunt is up to Chapter 45.
I think I'm starting to see why some people back on FiMfiction had issues with Reality Check.  While this chapter had me cracking up, towards the end one of the characters goes on an absurdly huge rant that had me scrolling just to find the end of it!  I hope this doesn't become a regular occurrence.
On one hand, I found the rant to actually be a nice bit of world-building, or at least how the world might look if you are a misfit who doesn't get the benefits of being one of the main characters.

On the other hand, yes, the "must make this social/political point in the middle of the story" is perhaps his second-biggest flaw. I put it second to what happens if you try to argue his points or just give writing criticism in the comments.

I'm still reading his stuff, though. His positives outweigh his negatives for me.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
Oh indeed. Not stopping myself. Just wish he would have included that bit of world building into the background instead of slapping us upside the face with it. Had this been a paperback novel, that rant would have gone on for at least five pages, which would have been inexcusable.

Seriously, crap like that puts me in mind of a book I had to put down once, Growing Up Weightless... Other people loved it, but I didn't - something along the lines of if I wanted to read about Robin Hood I would have picked up a book about that, and not a book about coming-of-age on a lunar colony.
#8 ... summertime

Has updated! Is it wrong that I can picture a certain found artifact just from it's discription and 'moonrunes', resulting in a google of said 'moonrunes' for verification.
#9 ... ht-sparkle

A very nicely written Who Framed Roger Rabbit crossover.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Bwa ha ha ha!
The Great Alicorn Hunt continues.
From here-chapter 46 ... s/15167872
to here-Chapter 50 ... s/15627319
Scootiloo finaly pops, and brings somepony else along.
Oh man, what a RIDE! Big Grin
Hiver has one of the better human-dropped-in-equestria-becomes-pony stories, in part because his character is usually doing his own thing and living his own life, not just tagging along behind the Mane Six. The story continues in Consequences
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
Dresden Fillies: Great Power has updated ... reat-Power
As I was composing this message, it occurred to me that from the title, there should be some sort of really epic throw down in the end stages of this story.  I'm wondering if this is going to be Twilight's ascension-quest in this timeline.
Also, Consequences in my previous message has been updating about once a day.
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.

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