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Want to work on the live-action BGC movie?
09-17-2009, 01:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-28-2018, 01:09 PM by Bob Schroeck.)
HP's holding a contest... "One winner takes home US$50,000 cash and a dream job in the movie industry, working on the production of cult anime franchise Bubblegum Crisis!"
Rob Kelk
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Is that a contest or a reality show?
-- Bob
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...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Beats me - my browser keeps refusing to load the next page... (Something to fix after work.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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It looks to me like it's an Asian Reality/Competition Show. The Prize for winning is $50000 "cash" (Which is likely given to you as a cheque or
somthing) a spot being a peon ('working on' leaves much for interpretation) for the BGC Moive production.
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It's a reality show. It's just that contestants are competing on 'creative talent' - from what I gather, they're talking about, say, marketing skills, design abilities, and so on.
Looks like it's a tie-up between Channel V and Star World. Mainly Channel V. HP's just the chief sponsor - it shouldn't really be considered a 'HP contest'. The production seems to be done by Channel V - and certainly the show will be hosted by their people.
Channel V's kinda like an Asian MTV. I think they might actually be a subsidiary with a different brand name. But think MTV and you've pretty much got it.
Chinese Asian, it should be said...Channel V's moderately popular in markets like Hong Kong, and well...Singapore. Star World's more popular in India though, I believe. Anyway, I know a fair bit about 'em. They do live promos and roadshows in my hometown, see.
Channel V is multilingual, and Star does English programming, so it's likely this will be an English show.
-- Acyl
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I do believe Channel V is a South-East Asian equivalent to MTV as both are available on the local cable TV networks. It's in the early days Channel V was
only available on the Singapore Telecom connected one.
Hmm, I do qualify to enter this as I live in the region -but of cause I do, I live in the city which gave us AC-DC's 'A Long Way To The Top' video
'On The Beach' & 'Mad Max'- it is just I don't think appearing on an reality show mash-up such as this is my can of coke.
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MTV Asia's been around longer, but even as a teenager I never really paid attention to that sorta thing. I only very vaguely recall the Channel V brand as surfacing...sometime later. I thiiiiink the folks behind Channel V used to be partners of MTV Asia, but aren't currently. It's like some sort of corporate kerfluffle happened and some people went off to make their own MTV-style channel.
I'm fuzzy on it though. I probably should know, because I worked for a Singapore radio station for a couple years, the sort that has pop music on the playlist...but I've never been accused of being a particularly observant person.
(EDIT: Wikipedia confirms this; that's more or less what happened. Channel V is owned by Star.)
Regards to the original topic, though...I imagine most of the contestants would just be general folks interested in media, production, marketing and suchlike. I can't imagine huge hordes of BGC fans lining up to participate in this en-masse. Honestly the prize offered could be a chance to work on any movie; BGC's just the one this happens to be.
That said, I'm assuming the contestants that make the final cut for the programme would be between 16-30 years old. The original BGC OVAs were released, what, between the late 80's and early 90's, and the TV series in the late 90's? There's a chance at least some of the folks that make it on the show would...actually give a damn about the franchise.
(EDIT 2: From the website, it seems this show will be shot in Singapore. This amuses me. Not that I would apply, but...)
(EDIT 3: Well, y'know, if they get some Singaporean contestants, I know Bubblegum Crisis was at one point widely available in stores here. After all, that's how I got to watch it.)
-- Acyl
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There are some big fans of BGC down here who regularly made an appearance in 2040 was shown a few time on TV, on the same channel which
showed Gunsmith Cats, Cowboy Bebop, EVA, Studio Ghibli & Patlabor movies. Most serious comic book & related stuff stores stocked the R1 DVD box set,
and now both(BGC2030 & BGC2040tv) are a general country wide release.
If it was open to North America, I know of two that'd be applying in a flash, Prof-er-Doctor Raven and the infrequently seen here Amanda/Yumeko, writer of
the journeys Priss's daughter.
'Sides while the reality show's in Singapore, principal filming's in Sydney. I wonder if the effectshouses need some additional IT gophers.....