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So - finally got to see Interstellar
So - finally got to see Interstellar
So I finally got to see Interstellar this week. 
The ending is mind-blowing and all the feels - but the following sequence just blew me away and is the high point of the film for sheer edge of the seat thrills and "Oh my god he's not going to... SHIT HE IS!!!" 
Cooper: "Okay get ready to match our spin with the retro thrusters"TARS: "It's not possible!"Cooper: "No.. it's necessary"
And the MUSIC... Holy god the MUSIC... 
(Also - I know my space history, and right at that moment in the movie, it hit me that I knew WHY Nolan had named his hero "Cooper".
It has to be in honor of Gordo Cooper - the last man to go into space alone at the end of the Mercury program.
On the last 3 orbits of his flight EVERYTHING on his capsule failed electronically. No computers, no automatics, no fly by wire.He lined the capsule up and fired the retros MANUALLY and put it closer in the water to the Aircraft carrier than anyone else ever had.
Granted, Nolan's Cooper has help in the form of TARS and CASE. But GODDAMN... )

// Docking from D Mcandrew on Vimeo.

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