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Tying some recent threads together
Tying some recent threads together
The Register: NRA gives FCC boss Ajit Pai a gun as reward for killing net neutrality. Yeah, an actual gun

Quote:Ajit Pai – chairman of America's broadband watchdog, the FCC – is the proud new owner of a handmade Kentucky long gun from the US National Rifle Association (NRA) – thanks to his brave stance in favor of lining the pockets of billion-dollar telcos.

The watchdog boss said he was surprised to receive the Charlton Heston Courage Award from the association at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland today. His reward, a showpiece gun, was not actually handed out on stage, quite possibly because CPAC has a no-weapons policy for its events.

First question: If conservatives are so gung-ho on arming teachers and letting people conceal-carry on campuses and in movie theaters, why is their own conference a gun-free zone?

Second question: With regard to the footnote in the article, who at Facebook thought bringing a VR shooter to CPAC was a good idea, especially considering how many mass shootings have taken place since the last CPAC?
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

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RE: Tying some recent threads together
(02-25-2018, 11:05 AM)robkelk Wrote: First question: If conservatives are so gung-ho on arming teachers and letting people conceal-carry on campuses and in movie theaters, why is their own conference a gun-free zone?

Second question: With regard to the footnote in the article, who at Facebook thought bringing a VR shooter to CPAC was a good idea, especially considering how many mass shootings have taken place since the last CPAC?

Because if they didn't half of them would end up shot by the general public. It's a magnificent display of wondrous hypocrisy.

And hey, they like guns and shooting, right? What makes you think it's inappropriate?

Now, if it was an 'shoot innocent people' type of VR shooter it'd be different. Surely.
RE: Tying some recent threads together
(02-25-2018, 11:05 AM)robkelk Wrote: First question: If conservatives are so gung-ho on arming teachers and letting people conceal-carry on campuses and in movie theaters, why is their own conference a gun-free zone?

Is it certain that this is the policy of the event and not of the venue?

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RE: Tying some recent threads together
You'd think that they'd choose a venue that would allow guns as a matter of principle, given how much they support and are supported by the NRA.
RE: Tying some recent threads together
Convention centers don't grow on trees.

Some people have Worm SIs with phenomenal cosmic power.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.
RE: Tying some recent threads together
We're looking at some very wealthy people involved in CPAC - they are quite capable of buying their own convention center and their own insurance comapny, and setting their own rules.

Assuming they need to do so. Does the company that bears the Trump name not own a convention center in one of those hotels?
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

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