Popular press explanation
The actual paper
This comes out of the translational side of my department (I work at the lab rat/mouse level). But it's a continuation of successful work that they've been doing for 10 years now. They implant an off-the-shelf pain implant (designed to block nerve pain in the spinal cord by firing various electrical shocks to disrupt nerve impulses) and repurpose it by having it fire in particular patterns while giving the patient intense physical training. All of them recover at least some voluntary motor control while the stimulator is running (and cardiac function and a bunch of other benefits), and some can walk while the stimulator is going with a walker.
Popular press explanation
The actual paper
This comes out of the translational side of my department (I work at the lab rat/mouse level). But it's a continuation of successful work that they've been doing for 10 years now. They implant an off-the-shelf pain implant (designed to block nerve pain in the spinal cord by firing various electrical shocks to disrupt nerve impulses) and repurpose it by having it fire in particular patterns while giving the patient intense physical training. All of them recover at least some voluntary motor control while the stimulator is running (and cardiac function and a bunch of other benefits), and some can walk while the stimulator is going with a walker.