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The Irony is Astonishing
The Irony is Astonishing
Apparently, New Jersey's Attorney General has uncovered evidence that Trump's golf course has been giving out illegal green cards and social security numbers to illegal immigrants.  They didn't trust Sessions, so they went straight to Robert Mueller with the dirt.

Trump is now being investigated for this on top of everything else.

Also, further down the comments on that Tweet, someone had this to say:

(EDIT: Cannot embed to following two tweets because this user has their account set to private... but they are in there.  You just need to go down far enough in the replies to find them!)
Quote:Florida AG Pam Bondi is the ONLY AG who took a $25K bribe from Trump Foundation not to pursue charges against Trump. #TrumpUniversity

She needs to be investigated.

And then...

Quote:Pam Bondi was on Trump's transition team. omg i did not know this.

With a link to the following Tweet:

This is why the investigation is taking so damn long. It's like dealing with an infestation of roaches.  You find one, then another, and another, until you finally start peeling up floorboards and find the little fuckers all over the damn place.
RE: The Irony is Astonishing
There's a roach motel in Colorado, I think. The Clean Hell

In any normal country, being so utterly infested with corruption, would be a disqualification from ever having anything to do with public life again. If not legally - then from the Electorate. The thing is - it seems like the electorate truly don't give a fuck about it - it's almost a badge of honour to out-corrupt the other guys.
Oh sweet meteor of death
Fall upon us.
Deliver us in fire
To Peace everlasting.
RE: The Irony is Astonishing

That's... amazing.

Also terrifying.

But Mueller appears to be highly competent, and highly dependable. It's quite possible that when he drops his report what follows is the arrest of every co conspirator that is not currently occupying a federal office that cannot be arrested without an impeachment (which is IIRC only the president, but might include members of congress and the supreme court).
RE: The Irony is Astonishing
This is very likely to be one of the biggest political fiascos for the Republican Party in their history, rivaled only by the taint that the Democrats had on them for decades when the South seceded.

Trump is looking at impeachment at the bare minimum. Whether or not any of the charges there afterwards will stick is anyone's guess. Mike Pence will probably go down with him. And probably a good number of his original transition team are going to find themselves before a judge.

The House has turned Blue. The Senate has tools the Democrats can use to great advantage despite being a minority.

And also keep in mind: a Supreme Court Justice can be impeached as well. *Looks significantly towards Brett Kavanaugh's seat in the Supreme Court*

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