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BnHA pre-canon SI/OC snippet
BnHA pre-canon SI/OC snippet
I guess I should put a warning for attempted suicide on this, though not really, under the IC circumstances. Consider yourself so advised.

I dropped the knife with a shudder, and slouched back on the park bench to put my head in my hands. "Another life, but still no goddamn willpower," I lambasted myself. "If I'm this afraid of a little pain, I'll never get any stronger." I knew what the future of this world held, after all, even if I wasn't the biggest fan. Getting pulped by a runaway truck was supposed to happen before being reborn in a new world, but instead it had been how my Quirk had finally manifested, popping back up good as new and just enough stronger and faster to notice in a few days as soon as I got over the disorientation of the out-of-body experience and concentrated my attention in one place. It was a powerful ability for information gathering with just that diffuse, invisible presence, but if it kept enhancing my body as well I could get strong enough to have a meaningful impact on what was coming in the next two or three years, or at least enough to stand a chance in the UA admission exam to be close enough to try.

"... if I wasn't afraid of spilling a little blood," I sighed again, bending down to pick up the kitchen knife I'd snuck out with.

I fumbled it again as a cheerful voice replied, "I could help with that!"

I wasn't expecting anyone to interrupt me, having intentionally sought out the least popular, most overgrown area of the park. Had been too caught up in my thoughts to notice them getting close. The voice was a girl's, and looking up she was a cute blond about my own age, with a slightly too-intense look in her catlike eyes to really mesh with any other part of it. "I'm Himiko Toga, nice to meet you. You were saying something about needing some blood?"

I vaguely recognized that name, but...? Oh, right, the literal bloodthirsty murder-loli. Yet she didn't have the careless mess of a hair-non-style and at our age she probably hadn't even gone beyond attacking small animals like the pigeon I belatedly noticed she had clenched in one hand. And she flinched as I reflexively grimaced and made a disgusted noise, before exclaiming, "Seriously, a pigeon? Those things have all kinds of parasites and diseases... you might as well fondle a public toilet!" Oddly enough, the addition seemed to restore her good mood, even as she dropped the bird and wiped her hand against her skirt, wrinkling her own nose at the thought.

Still, this could work out.

"Nice to meet you, Himiko Toga. I have the feeling we could be great friends."

---==- + -==---

Not my kink, not my waifu, but it was an idea that wouldn't stop meowing and scratching at the door until I let it out.
‎noli esse culus
RE: BnHA pre-canon SI/OC snippet
I'd be requested a bit more to get a bite into, please. There's not that much to commentate on, otherwise.

Please continue.
Oh sweet meteor of death
Fall upon us.
Deliver us in fire
To Peace everlasting.
RE: BnHA pre-canon SI/OC snippet
Eh, all I had for it, really - I was reading the lewd-strewn QQ fic "Welcome to my (Hero) Parlour" and had the idea to slap together a pre-murder Toga with a serial-immortality version of my "doesn't die when killed" colection of character concepts based vaguely on versions of the power from BESM, the FASERIP Marvel Super Heroes RPG Ultimate Powers Book, Powers Wiki, and I think distantly the Palladium supers RPG (though exactly none of those details go into the snippet) to have a less uncomfortable place to swing a non-antagonist version of her character from. Like I said, blood play isn't my kink and Toga isn't even on my list of favorite characters, it was really just an idle thought.
‎noli esse culus

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