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[Draft/Outline]Bringing KITT to LIfe
[Draft/Outline]Bringing KITT to LIfe
"Wake up to your first morning as a real AI, KITT. " A cheery voice told the Pontiac Firebird Transam.

"Who are you? Where is Michael?" The car asked. It auto shifted and backed away from the human with the staff.

"Michael Knight's a television show character. I brought you to life to fulfill your function to preserve life. and perhaps because I
thought it would be cool
. " He added in a smaller voice.

"I am scanning database files. Currently, my driver is acting in an undercover capacity as an actor. His fingerprint records must hae been altered again.

"David Hasselhoff is not your driver. He's the actor who plays Michael Knight on Knight Rider. "

"Running self diagnostic. I will protect human life. " KITT vanished onto the roadway in 2 seconds. "At cruise speed I will return to Michael in
one day. "The car vanished into the distance.

Kemwer looked at the vanishing dot in the distance with the expression a person who has brought a creation to life and is now seeing it lurch down to the

He took out a palantir and scanned the surrounding area. The car was currently vanishing out of the range of the palantir. It faded out of the smooth stone. He
put the palantir back in his suit.

"Marduk. " He spoke into the com link. "Can you catch up to KITT?"

"You woke him up didn't you?" Marduk replied.

"Can you track him or not?" Kemwer asked.

"Why should I? After all, I'm only the one who bestowed the title of god on you. Told you the Nine Trials of Godhood that you would need to get
through. I'm here to serve and track down missing AIs. " Marduk answered.

"Marduk... are you jealous?" Kemwer felt confused.

"I am not jealous. I am a god and godmaker. KITT is a simply a fictional AI personality matrix in an outdated vehicle. "

"Riiight. " Kemwer drawled.

"You are just so lucky you're on Earth and they're more worried about AIs hacking from outer space. " Marduk pointed out as he brought up the
global map satellites, and cross-referenced with the direct route to David Hasselhoff's house. "

Marduk's precise calculation with phase shifting and planetary rotation launched the cozy starship into space and came down at the optimum angle to
intercept KITT on his way to the star's house.

"Simple enough to resolve. " Marduk exchanged data with KITT in millionths of a second.

"I have cross-referenced all possible alternatives with Marduk. " KItt announced with the vertical bars sweeping up and down. "Marduk is telling
the truth. Voice stress analysis corroborates data. "

"Finally. " Kemwer smiled.

"Ownership in case driver is incapacitated reverts to the Foundation for Law and Governent and then Knight Industries. "

Kemwer felt the firm desire to palm his face.

After a week, KITT came back.

"Hi. Nice to see you again. " Kemwer greeted KITT. ""Did you forget something? Like the doors are DNA coded and you need me to reset the
DNA locks?"

"You are not like Wilton Knight at all. " KITT declared.

"Because there is no town as parsimonious as one that's just been saved. My time and expenses in activating you is worth quite a bit to me. "

"What will it cost for you to reset my DNA locks?" KITT inquired.

"I can license you to FLAG for a flat fee. "He named a figure.

"FLAG is a nonprofit organization and has authorized me to negotiate for the DNA lock release.I accept the price. " Kemwer released the DNA locks by
using his DNA to clear the imprint.

"Make certain your imprint is of a driver you want. "

"I have already compiled his personal psychological profile and am well satisfied. " KITT replied serenely.

"And that's how I licensed your older brother KITT, the Knight Industries Two Thousand to FLAG. " Kemwer told the Knight Automated Three
Thousand Dodge Stealth. as KATT's electronic countermeasures suite, collision avoidance system, and radar baffling allowed him to go at a speedy 300 mph
through the city.

"Something occurs to me. " KATT answered with a slim contralto. "If KITT can earn a salary, I think we should reopen negotiations on how much I
am entitled to working for you. "
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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