Alright after three months of writers block and Real Life interference I've managed to hammer out a few characters and I wanted to post something at least, so here they are. Please note that these are all rough drafts and things are subject to change (especially the ability names), but I figure its a good idea to get some feedback and make sure I haven't
screwed up to much. Also all these characters are as of SOS-con
Alexander "Alex" Stevens
Age:16 (27)
Notable Mundane Attributes
Mad Tinkerer:The Harukaze's self proclaimed "part-time Mad Scientist",Alex's primary hobby (aside from watching anime) is working with handwavium.He also has some mechanical expertise.
When Dad told me to "get a job" I don't think he had this in mind
rimary shareholder in Stevens & Wynn Interplanetary Freight Transport (S.W.I.F.T.), defacto owner of the Harukaze.
Okay, let's do it this way...Decent leadership and organizational skills.
'Wavium Abilities
Don't call me Tessa:Alex's premature biomod has resulted in him (now her) being a dead ringer for Teletha "Tessa" Testarossa.
Anime Body:Alex's new body is in perfect health (asthma,myopia,and other physical defects have been eliminated) but looks as much Like Tessa as possible (short
of looking like a reject from Who Framed Roger Rabbit), and does its best to stay that way (refuses to put on excess fat,hair grows back within days if cut,heals without scarring Ect.). It is also extremely tough (though she's nowhere near bulletproof).
Wizard...but not the Hogwarts kind:Alex's ability to store and process information as well as his reflex speed have been greatly enhanced. Also, parts of alex's brain and nervous system have been altered to function similar to a wireless capable internal cyberdeck.
Game BalanceAlex must eat twice as much food as someone her size normally would or her internal cyberdeck doesn't function.
Binary Trance:When communicating with electronic devices Alex is only peripherally aware of her surroundings, Though not so much that she's unable to notice things happening directly in front of her or respond (distractedly) to conversation.Additionally,when connected with machines binary code appears to scroll across her iris' (though the effect is only noticeable up close).
Whispers in the dark:Alex can here electronic signals being broadcast nearby as unintelligible whispers,normally this is barely noticeable backround noise but in places with lots of signals it can occasionally give her headaches.
Why is my voice so High?Alex is still dealing with unintended gender switch and its consequences.
I'm not a kid,Dangit!: Dislikes being mistaken for a kid (for obvious reasons).
Must...Have...Anime!:Obsessed with collecting anime
and anime-related merchandise.
Momentary Dramatics:has a tendency to overly dramatic gestures and moments of drama.
Abstinence:Alex never drinks alcohol.
Faction:Generalist (focused on anime and manga) with ties to the senshi.
Preferred Transport:The Harukaze.
Erik Hill
Notable Mundane Atributes
Chief Engineer:Erik has a degree in engineering and so is the default chief engineer.
Walking Mecha Database:Erik has a near encyclopedic knowledge of fictional mecha.
Not Quite Mad Engineer:while not as passionate about it as Alex,Erik does have several 'wavium projects he works on,as well as working with Alex on team projects.
'Wavium Abilities
Mechaphile:Erik is obsessed with mecha (especially Giant Robots).
Work in Progress:Erik is building a giant robot...and has been for over a year (he keeps scrapping the design and starting over).
Don't Touch!Erik doesn't like anyone messing with his (incomplete) robot,Period.
Faction:Gearhead, of the macross/robotech persuasion.
William Gray
Hair: Dirty Blond
Notable Mundane Attributes
Jack of All Trades...:Will always seems to have a skill or experience relevant to the current situation (but see Quirks).
Green Thumb:Will has a real talent for working with plants and has a small garden on the Harukaze.
Music soothes the savage beast:Will has a fairly extensive and eclectic music collection which he listens to often.
Gamer:Will enjoys playing most games,anything from tabletop to console, and is a reasonably skilled player.
'Wavium Abilities
BIG Kitty:Will's biomod has apparently turned him into a Kilrathi, with all the attendant physical benefits.
Fighting Insinct:His biomod mod has also given Will an instintive knowledge of how to fight in his new form, though he is still integrating this into his own modest combat skills.
Carnivore:Will requires significant amounts of meat in his diet.
Competitive Instinct:Along with an instinctive ability to fight Will has also gained an instinctive desire to test himself in physical competition.
Predator:Being,essentially,a seven foot tall anthropomorphic tiger,Will has a tendency to intimidate people,at least at first.
Big and Tall doesn't quite cut it:Because of his size and build,Will has difficulty finding off the shelf clothing that fits properly.
...Master of None:While possessing many skills,Will has more than basic proficiency in only a few.
Well that's it for now,I'm not really happy with some of the wording but at least I got it out.
screwed up to much. Also all these characters are as of SOS-con
Alexander "Alex" Stevens
Age:16 (27)

Notable Mundane Attributes
Mad Tinkerer:The Harukaze's self proclaimed "part-time Mad Scientist",Alex's primary hobby (aside from watching anime) is working with handwavium.He also has some mechanical expertise.
When Dad told me to "get a job" I don't think he had this in mind

Okay, let's do it this way...Decent leadership and organizational skills.
'Wavium Abilities
Don't call me Tessa:Alex's premature biomod has resulted in him (now her) being a dead ringer for Teletha "Tessa" Testarossa.
Anime Body:Alex's new body is in perfect health (asthma,myopia,and other physical defects have been eliminated) but looks as much Like Tessa as possible (short
of looking like a reject from Who Framed Roger Rabbit), and does its best to stay that way (refuses to put on excess fat,hair grows back within days if cut,heals without scarring Ect.). It is also extremely tough (though she's nowhere near bulletproof).
Wizard...but not the Hogwarts kind:Alex's ability to store and process information as well as his reflex speed have been greatly enhanced. Also, parts of alex's brain and nervous system have been altered to function similar to a wireless capable internal cyberdeck.
Game BalanceAlex must eat twice as much food as someone her size normally would or her internal cyberdeck doesn't function.
Binary Trance:When communicating with electronic devices Alex is only peripherally aware of her surroundings, Though not so much that she's unable to notice things happening directly in front of her or respond (distractedly) to conversation.Additionally,when connected with machines binary code appears to scroll across her iris' (though the effect is only noticeable up close).
Whispers in the dark:Alex can here electronic signals being broadcast nearby as unintelligible whispers,normally this is barely noticeable backround noise but in places with lots of signals it can occasionally give her headaches.
Why is my voice so High?Alex is still dealing with unintended gender switch and its consequences.
I'm not a kid,Dangit!: Dislikes being mistaken for a kid (for obvious reasons).
Must...Have...Anime!:Obsessed with collecting anime
and anime-related merchandise.
Momentary Dramatics:has a tendency to overly dramatic gestures and moments of drama.
Abstinence:Alex never drinks alcohol.
Faction:Generalist (focused on anime and manga) with ties to the senshi.
Preferred Transport:The Harukaze.
Erik Hill
Notable Mundane Atributes
Chief Engineer:Erik has a degree in engineering and so is the default chief engineer.
Walking Mecha Database:Erik has a near encyclopedic knowledge of fictional mecha.
Not Quite Mad Engineer:while not as passionate about it as Alex,Erik does have several 'wavium projects he works on,as well as working with Alex on team projects.
'Wavium Abilities
Mechaphile:Erik is obsessed with mecha (especially Giant Robots).
Work in Progress:Erik is building a giant robot...and has been for over a year (he keeps scrapping the design and starting over).
Don't Touch!Erik doesn't like anyone messing with his (incomplete) robot,Period.
Faction:Gearhead, of the macross/robotech persuasion.
William Gray
Hair: Dirty Blond
Notable Mundane Attributes
Jack of All Trades...:Will always seems to have a skill or experience relevant to the current situation (but see Quirks).
Green Thumb:Will has a real talent for working with plants and has a small garden on the Harukaze.
Music soothes the savage beast:Will has a fairly extensive and eclectic music collection which he listens to often.
Gamer:Will enjoys playing most games,anything from tabletop to console, and is a reasonably skilled player.
'Wavium Abilities
BIG Kitty:Will's biomod has apparently turned him into a Kilrathi, with all the attendant physical benefits.
Fighting Insinct:His biomod mod has also given Will an instintive knowledge of how to fight in his new form, though he is still integrating this into his own modest combat skills.
Carnivore:Will requires significant amounts of meat in his diet.
Competitive Instinct:Along with an instinctive ability to fight Will has also gained an instinctive desire to test himself in physical competition.
Predator:Being,essentially,a seven foot tall anthropomorphic tiger,Will has a tendency to intimidate people,at least at first.
Big and Tall doesn't quite cut it:Because of his size and build,Will has difficulty finding off the shelf clothing that fits properly.
...Master of None:While possessing many skills,Will has more than basic proficiency in only a few.
Well that's it for now,I'm not really happy with some of the wording but at least I got it out.