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Thoughts On Biomods...
Thoughts On Biomods...
Okay, 2nd Biomods have been discussed already and it seems like it is a viable, if costly, thing to do.

But something has wormed its way into my head and simply will not let go. The mental imagery of Benjamin being pushed beyond his limits and his biomod
suddenly shifting, as did Kazuma's Alter in S-Cry-Ed, to the advanced Shine Brighter form. And even, with much passage of time and usage, the full-on form
in which he anihilated the Big Bad Guy and then again when he goes on to have the big knock-down-drag-out fight with his rival. (God, that epilogue at the
very end sucked.)

An alternative, which I find equally attractive would be called "Paint It Black." The Handwavium in his system is sick of the beatdown he's
taking and decides it's time to let Ben take the gloves off by NOT transfering the Speed Drive field he generates into whatver he hits (in other words,
what he hits will actually be on the recieving end of some serious punishment). As a warning sign, the red portions of the armor turn black to signify the
dangerous nature that his biomod takes on.

I have a theory that if the sorce material of a biomod (if anything specific is provided) shows that the ability that the biomod is based on evolves, then so
can the biomod. It kinda makes sense to me. The Handwavium would probably go like, "Oh, it can do this too? Well, let's save that for when we
really really need it."

I feel that it can be a moment of extreme stress and duress, a do-or-die situation where it seems that its going to be 'die' no matter how hard you
push. That, or it could be triggered by a massive dose of Handwavium into the system, like the Espresso Strain. Or perhaps maybe a combination of both
(that's probably more likely)?

What do you guys think?
I personally don't see anything wrong with a biomod like Ben's 'evolving' if the source material allows it, but I'd leave it to the
do-or-die moments as suggested. But throw in some downsides to it besides exhaustion, and if you go for a Espresso infusion trigger (say, if he's using
some knockoff Espresso-boosted Red-band Quickheal patches (Red-band works better than normal Quickheal anyway, but contains 'Wave anyway so is only
recommended for biomods. None of the Consortium will use Espresso as part of the mix for Red-band stuff after some unusual reactions during testing), and it
reacts with his biomod) some new quirks and you'l probably get away with it.
Hmmm... How about intense physical pain? I would imagine that since it nearly-perfectly mimics Kazuma's Alter, it actually does split Benjamin's arm
down the knuckles and through the wrist - he just doesn't feel it because the Handwavium in his system doesn't allow it... That, and his arm is
probably a biomechanical constrcut now anyways and he'd have something that looks like scars where the tissue splits.

In Shine Brighter form, I would imagine that it is putting enormous stress on his body - not the sort of stress you get from exhaustion, but from supporting
the more intense Speed Drive field the arm is generating. Shine Brighter, I think, would probably rival The Jason's Kinto-un in terms of speed, and since
the field generator is anchored to his skeleton rather than... something else, I can only imagine what that puts his body through. It's probably tearing
him apart, just as it seemed to be doing so to Kazuma for a while.

However, that's something I think the Handwavium would evolve his biomod to compensate for (reinforcing his entire musculoskeletal system for example).
It's going to take a bit of inspiration on my part to come up with a trully worthy quirk to go with Shine Brighter. Most of what I'm thinking of, such
as a forced-recuperation period, can be explained away as exhaustion. One thing that I can think of would be that in order to provide the additional boost he
has to down some Espresso Strain. And not the knock-off stuff either. :p

ETA: Hilarious thought... What if, instead of Espresso, he had to use that Klatchian Habenero brew? That'd definitely add to the
"REALLY-don't-wanna-do-this factor. >Big Grin

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