Not counting the four people present, the warehouse was practically empty, except for the polished metal spike and the crane above it.
"Detective!" Gervasio Faustino de Leon beamed at the pudgy man in chains before him. "We do keep meeting in the strangest places, ¿no?"
"You'll never get away with this, de Leon," Detective Thomas Kane of the Miami Police Department said.
"I beg to differ, pendejo," de Leon said with a smug grin. He pointed at a glassy-eyed catgirl behind him. "Thanks to CSI Tech Mendoza here, I now have a lead on getting my boat back. From there, I can be in 'international waters' any time I like. Completely out of reach of your pathetic police forces."
"You'll slip up," Kane replied evenly. "'Criminal Masterminds' like you always do."
"I might, Detective." De Leon reached into Kane's shirt pocket and pulled out a pair of RayBans while a hired thug attached Kane's chains to the crane's hook. "But not where you can see it."
The thug turned to the crane's controls and positioned the struggling detective over the spike.
"No, Detective," de Leon continued. "You are going to let me make ..." The drug lord paused dramatically while sliding the stolen RayBans on. "... A point."
Explosive bolts in the crane's hook detonated and Detective Kane's final scream rent the Miami air.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll
"Detective!" Gervasio Faustino de Leon beamed at the pudgy man in chains before him. "We do keep meeting in the strangest places, ¿no?"
"You'll never get away with this, de Leon," Detective Thomas Kane of the Miami Police Department said.
"I beg to differ, pendejo," de Leon said with a smug grin. He pointed at a glassy-eyed catgirl behind him. "Thanks to CSI Tech Mendoza here, I now have a lead on getting my boat back. From there, I can be in 'international waters' any time I like. Completely out of reach of your pathetic police forces."
"You'll slip up," Kane replied evenly. "'Criminal Masterminds' like you always do."
"I might, Detective." De Leon reached into Kane's shirt pocket and pulled out a pair of RayBans while a hired thug attached Kane's chains to the crane's hook. "But not where you can see it."
The thug turned to the crane's controls and positioned the struggling detective over the spike.
"No, Detective," de Leon continued. "You are going to let me make ..." The drug lord paused dramatically while sliding the stolen RayBans on. "... A point."
Explosive bolts in the crane's hook detonated and Detective Kane's final scream rent the Miami air.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll