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01-14-2010, 08:43 PM
In case anyone's missed it (unlikely, given the Internet), Pat Robertson is once again showing us how NOT to be a Christian by calling the earthquake in
Haiti divine retribution for a pact the Haitians made with the Devil. You
know, I'm starting to believe, in the grand scheme of things, that some people can only serve as a bad example to others. That, and fertilizer.
Ebony the Black Dragon
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Everyone has a purpose in this life. Something that they _should_ be doing. In Pat Robertson's case, that is 'to serve as a bad example to others'
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Official White House Reponse ...
01-15-2010, 02:23 PM
... to Pat Robertston: Quote:"It never ceases to amaze me that in times of amazing human suffering somebody says something that can be so utterly stupid," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.
Robertson's people are now backpedaling furiously and claiming he never said anything of the sort. Article here.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
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Oi freaking vey...
My mom, as devout a Babtist Christian as she is, thinks this man is a fool. My mom and I have some disagreements on religion, but she's still sharp as a
tack and can tell when someone else... isn't.
I'm somewhat less polite about it. I WOULD say that the man is senile. But he's been like this for decades. I can't say I ever took him seriously,
but after 9-11, he earned my utter contempt and I wish they'd USE senility as an excuse to put him away in an old folks home so that he wouldn't KEEP
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At least he doesn't have Jerry Falwell to back him up any more, like he did right after 9/11 when Robertson declared that America deserved the attack for
not electing him President turning from God.
-- Bob
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12 ... -alicious/]Relevant webstrip - note the message in the URL.
Rob Kelk
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Good grief. Will someone PLEASE tell me that this idiot has gone to his not-so-heavenly final reward?
Sucrose Octanitrate.
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The thing you have to understand is that like almost all televangelists, Pat Robertson isn't in it for the sake of Christian belief and ethics, he's in it for his own aggrandizement and enrichment, and to push a political agenda that has always appeared to include a double giant-sized helping of outright xenophobia. Anything that gets him media attention is a chance to snag one more unwary soul who might think he's a legitimate man of God with a message worth listening to, and thus worth it.
-- Bob
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And the White House as responded. With a rather unsubtle statement by Robert Gibbs. Now, if
President Obama would step up, that would be impressive.
Ebony the Black Dragon
"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
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01-16-2010, 12:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-17-2017, 02:08 PM by Bob Schroeck.)
More developments -- apparently Rush Limbaugh has added his own two cents' worth right next to Robertson's.
But it's not working out quite like either has planned -- when Pat Buchanan says you're being insensitive, you've definitely stuck your foot in it.
ETA: Oh, and Ebony, that's the same article I linked to above, and the same comment I quoted.
-- Bob
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Regrading Roberston as someone smarter than me on another board said. "Televangilism it to evanglilism as reality TV is to reality."
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Bob Schroeck Wrote:Robertson's people are now backpedaling furiously and claiming he never said anything of the sort. Article here.
Well, he *didn't*, or at least not the way it's apparently being reported. Apparently it's not supposed to be "divine retribution", it's the devil responsible for the earthquake or something.
The way I heard it on the radio, it sounded like an interesting story, except he never got to the part where a great hero rises to break evil's grip on the land. In his philosophy I guess you're supposed to leave that to god. I think I'd have an easier time believing in a god who favors a more proactive approach...
I'm stunned by the commentator who said "Rush's comments were cynical," like it's some great realization. Has there been anything Obama's done that Rush hasn't had a cynical view of? His being cynical here isn't new or surprising.
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Rush being cynical about pretty much anything is not exactly news.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
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Limbaugh is not cynical. He is only too willing to swallow whatever fanciful tripe the right wing tried to pass off as reality. Limbaugh is actively partisan
and decietful. He believes whatever is most convenient for his ratings.
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Sorry, but the only fanciful tripe the right wing tries to pass off as reality these days is the claim that they're still conservatives. Rush is actively
partisan, yes, but he is equally ready to point out the failures of the right as he is of the left.
Now, if the left were to have fewer total failures, he wouldn't spend so much time ranting about them. The problem there is that since their basic
philosophy is a hypocritical lie, he gets all the mileage he needs out of their antics.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
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Yeah, Rush really lays it into the rightwing. (/sarcasm)
The only thing Rush accuses the rightwing of being is not rightwing enough. He's more than willing to buy into whatever lies and obfuscations serve the
rightwing agenda and there are a lot of them.
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Quote:The only thing Rush accuses the rightwing of being is not rightwing enough.
This is because it isn't. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being Hard Left and 10 being Hard Right, the current Democratic Party averages about a 0.5, and the current Republican Party averages about a 4.5.
The optimum place to rest a government is about 6.5-7.
Quote:He's more than willing to buy into whatever lies and obfuscations serve the rightwing agenda and there are a lot of them.
Ahhh, projection. Just because the only way the left has to fuel its agenda is by lies and obfuscation doesn't mean that that's the only thing the Right has.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
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I... wha... how...
If the Democrats are 0.5 where the hell is, say Sweden? -100?
Your understanding of politics is terrible, stop talking about it.
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Aren't there rules against telling other people to shut up?
Although this is getting to the point of having absolutely nothing to do with Haiti.
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Indeed. Switch back to Haiti, or to a new thread, or I'll lock this topic.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
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