So - I find myself running one of the (relatively rare) timed missions in Champions - trying to disarm a bunch of bombs in a warehouse full of zombies before they go off -
And I find myself thinking two slightly snarky thoughts -
1) "There's nothing in this warehouse BUT THE ZOMBIES. Wouldn't you WANT the bombs to go off?" >.>
and - Due to the slightly more, shall we say - campy tone of Champions compared to CoX, as I'm running around looking for that last bomb and time is beginning to run out, I can't help but think -
2) "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"
And I find myself thinking two slightly snarky thoughts -
1) "There's nothing in this warehouse BUT THE ZOMBIES. Wouldn't you WANT the bombs to go off?" >.>
and - Due to the slightly more, shall we say - campy tone of Champions compared to CoX, as I'm running around looking for that last bomb and time is beginning to run out, I can't help but think -
2) "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"