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"GURPS IST - Character Aging Question"
"GURPS IST - Character Aging Question"

I think he's confusing IST and Warriors' World, and have posted as much... but I could be wrong.

(Hey, Bob, have you (re-)activated your SJGames Forums account yet?)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Nope, not yet. And I agree, I think he's confusing them. There is no automatic life-extension for supers in the IST World.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Thanks for the reply, Bob. I finally got my Yuku account squared away so I can ask questions here as well as the SJGames forums. Yay.

I've been doing research for the IST Post-Y2K setting I'm putting together as a 4e love letter to IST and the aging thing came to mind in a kind of rambling, punch drunk early-am web-scrounge through any IST related posts I could find on the internet.

There was much talk about a post-Y2K retcon in the IST world and the idea of pushing the timeline forward to make all the iconic characters ageless (ala DC and Marvel) didn't make me happy. So when I ran across the supers aging slower idea, I sort of latched onto it as a solution. I had used a similar idea in my own home brew supers setting years ago, with all mutants having a level of Extended Lifespan, Rapid Healing and Fit (it kind of made up for the whole Social Stigma: Mutant thing).

Anyway, long story short, question answered, thank you muchly.

Michael R. Smith (
GURPS IST Aleph Wordpress (
GURPS IST Aleph Twitter (
Trek This! Wordpress (
My Blog (
You're welcome, Mike. Sorry it didn't match up with what you thought you remembered.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Update: For the write-ups for my campaign and the related material, I decided to go with a 1-point Perk borrowing the name from DW of "Mutant Life Extension Package." It's sole benefit is that it kicks in after maturity in Seeder Gene metahumans and pushes their post-adolescent aging thresholds back 10 years. So a 40 year old looks 30, a 50 year old looks 40, etc.

Nothing major, just adds that Dick Clark quality to some of the Iconic ISTers.


Michael R. Smith (
GURPS IST Aleph Wordpress (
GURPS IST Aleph Twitter (
Trek This! Wordpress (
My Blog (
Sounds good. In fact, if/when I ever get around to writing IST 2nd Ed., do you mind if I lift that?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I would be honored.

Michael R. Smith (
GURPS IST Aleph Wordpress (
GURPS IST Aleph Twitter (
Trek This! Wordpress (
My Blog (

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