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Non Hero Summons
Non Hero Summons
Considering that Doug's subcontious is the thing creating his simulacrums, why hasn't anyone suggested villain summoning songs? Any villain he has encountered more than once that isn't generic gunman #27 is going to leave an impression on him.
For instance, "Young, Dumb, and Ugly", by Weird Al is a song for summoning a pack of thugs. Summoning a random assortment of thugs, both memorable individuals and generic type casts. Basically, summons a pack of Crunchy minions and lets him test a more powerful opponent. Though after the Slayers step it may include a utterly random assortment of idiot bandits. In game terms you role dice to see which random idiots make up this pack of thugs... For example a punk in a school uniform, 3 medieval bandits, two generic cyberpunks, and 7 bikers. Nothing major just fodder that calls him Bossman. The smell would make them not for polite company though,
The more advanced type would be ones to summon particular opponents, much like he can summon teammates. A song about his own worst enemy may summon a Quincy drone. Metallica's 'Master of Puppets' may summon the guy who made the Servitor Virus... making this one of his least favorite songs. Something about a feral beast with crushing power would summon a Doberman boomer.
The real problem with these summons are that you'd have to be careful with the,... they'll act like Doug's mental image of the villain. Any with self preservation won't try to kill Doug... though they may do bad things to annoy him.
On the other hand, summoning people you don't like and using them to set off traps is rather cathartic.
Screams break the silence
Waking from the dead of night
Vengence is boiling
Hes returned to kill the light
Then when hes found who hes looking for
Listen in awe and youll hear him
Bark at the moon
Years spent in torment
Buried in a nameless grave
Now he has risen
Miracles would have to save
Those that this beast is looking for
Listen in awe and youll hear him
Bark at the moon
They cursed and buried him
Along with shame
And thought his timeless soul had gone
In empty burning hell--unholy one
But now hes returned to prove them wrong (oh no)
Howling in shadows
Living in a lunar spell
He finds his heaven
Spewing from the mouth of hell
And when he finds who hes looking for
Listen in awe and youll hear him
Bark at the moon.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Doberman
I have to admit, it's a concept that never ever occurred to me. But yeah, there would indeed be some satisfaction in using simulacra of Warriors enemies to trip boobytraps and whatnot...
And Nathan, is that the name of the song, or a suggestion for what it manifests? Or both?

-- Bob
For Jor-El so loved the Earth, he sent his only begotten son...
Re: Doberman
Manifestation. The song is Ozzy Osbourne's Bark at the Moon. ^_^
It probably wouldn't be the boomer, honestly - unless WW!Ozzy just never wrote that one, Doug likely would've heard it (and, thus, fixed his talent's reaction) long before encountering Genom's big ugly guard dog of choice.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Doberman
Hm. I'll have to find a copy.
Oh, and I'm moving this thread to The Game for obvious reasons.

-- Bob
For Jor-El so loved the Earth, he sent his only begotten son...
Re: Doberman
Metallica's 'Master of Puppets' may summon the guy who made the Servitor Virus... making this one of his least favorite songs.
The only issue with this is that "Master of Puppets" is really about drugs and how they control the people who abuse them. However, it could have the effect you've written as along as Doug is unaware of the song's real message.
Just my own two cents.*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage

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