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Couple of items here...
Couple of items here...
First off, I'd like to announce that post-production on the Chapter One of DSKSWDYHMS is entering the final stages of post-production. As such, I'd
like a bit of help - primarily a thorough grammar and spelling check. I've noticed a few errors that everyone else missed on the last draft and now I just
want to be sure. Also, I'd like a bit of help with the disclaimers. If anyone would like to volunteer for this arduous task, please email me at (username
here on the board) at gmail dot com.

Secondly, I just discovered how disjointed Nanoha-verse really is. Namely, discovering the existence of Triangle Heart.

I will now pause for subsequent head-desks.

Anyhow, I'll probably resolve this by swiping the idea of combining to the two divergent stories into one from Overkill, a Naruto/Nanoha X-over by Aleh on However, any additional commentary and input
is highly desirable. Also, if anyone knows of a definitive Triangle Heart/Nanoha database (besides the usual Wikipedia articles) then having that would be
helpful, too.

Thanks in advance, you guys rock!

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